Push Onboarding to KRA
Once the application is created the data has to be pushed on Signzy's platform for further validation and operations to be performed.
- KYC data: Contains personal and financial information such as gender, marital status, nominee relationship, PAN number, Aadhaar number, residential status, occupation details, annual income, and contact details.
- Identity proof: Contains details about the identity proof provided by the customer, such as type of proof, name, father's name, PAN number, date of birth, and file URL.
- Address proof: Contains details about the address proof provided by the customer, such as type of proof, name, expiry date, issue date, date of birth, address, pincode, state, district, city, and file URL.
- Correspondence address proof: Contains details about the correspondence address proof provided by the customer, such as type of proof, name, number, address, pincode, date of birth, state, district, city, expiry date, file URL, country, and whether the address is the same as a permanent address.
- Bank account: Contains file URL for the bank account details.
- Video: Contains file URL for the video submitted by the customer.
- FATCA data: Contains information related to the customer's compliance with FATCA regulations, such as PEP status, RPEP status, residence for tax in India, and related person status. It also includes details about the customer's place of birth, country of birth, and tax identification number.
Object Name | Key | Data Type | Required/Optional | Description |
| Header | | | |
| Content-Type | string | Required | application/json |
| Authorization | string | Required | Access token from login |
| Body | | | |
kycData | gender | string | Required | investor’s Gender values: “Female” / “Male” / “Transgender” |
| maritalStatus | string | Required | investor’s marital status, values: “MARRIED” / “UNMARRIED” / “OTHERS” |
| nomineeRelationShip | string | Required | Pass either “FATHER” or “SPOUSE”, accordingly pass the name in “fatherName” |
| fatherTitle | string | Required | Pass the title of Father or Spouse, possible values “Mr.” / “Mrs.” |
| maidenTitle | string | Required | title for maiden name, values: “Mrs.” / “Ms.” / “Mx.” |
| maidenName | string | Required | maiden name of investor provided investor is a Female |
| panNumber | string | Required | Investors PAN number or incase of PAN EXEMPT pass PANEXEMPT |
| aadhaarNumber | string | Required (allow empty) | Investor Aadhaar number |
| motherTitle | string | Required | Investor mother Title, values: “Mrs.” / “Ms.” / “Mx.” |
| residentialStatus | string | Required | Investor’s residential status, values: “Resident Individual” / “Foreign National” / “Person of Indian Origin” |
| occupationDescription | string | Required | Occupation Description (Refer Table 1.3) |
| occupationCode | string | Required | Occupation Code (Refer Table 1.3) |
| kycAccountCode | string | Required | KYC account code, Pass 01 or 02 (Refer Table 1.4) |
| kycAccountDescription | string | Required | KYC account Description, New or Modify with documents(Refer Table 1.4) |
| communicationAddressCode | string | Required | Communication Address code (Refer Table 1.6) |
| communicationAddressType | string | Required | Communication Address Type (Refer Table 1.6) |
| permanentAddressCode | string | Required | Permanent Address code (Refer Table 1.6) |
| permanentAddressType | string | Required | Permanent Address Type (Refer Table 1.6) |
| citizenshipCountryCode | string | Required | Citizenship country code (Refer Table 1.1) |
| citizenshipCountry | string | Required | Citizenship country (Refer Table 1.1) |
| applicationStatusCode | string | Required | Application status code, (Refer Table 1.5) |
| applicationStatusDescription | string | Required | Application status description, (Refer Table 1.5) |
| fatherName | string | Required | Pass the Father or Spouse name |
| mobileNumber | String(Required), valid 10 digit mobile number | Required | Mobile number |
| countryCode | number | Required | Country code of mobile number |
| emailId | string | Required | Email Id of Investor |
| motherName | String (Required), string of min length of 2 consisting of any character | Required | Investor mother name |
| annualIncome | string | Required (allow empty) | Annual Income code (Refer Table 1.8) |
| annualIncomeRange | Enum String, valid as per code in table 1.8 | Required (allow empty "") | Annual Income Description (Refer Table 1.8) |
| placeOfBirth | string, string of min length of 2 consisting of any character | Required (allow empty) | Place of Brith |
| occupationOther | string | Required in case of CVL KRA if Occupation Code is 99 | String of 50 characters |
identityProof | type | Enum String | Required | “individualPan” / “aadhaar” / “passport” / “drivingLicence” / “voterid”/"panDigilocker"/"aadhaarDigiLocker"/dlDigiLocker/"aadhaarXml" |
| name | String ,string of min length of 2 consisting of any character | Required | Name on POI document |
| fatherName | string | Required | DOB on POI document in DD/MM/YYYY or DD-MM-YYYY format |
| number | string | Required | PAN number on POI document |
| dateOfBirth | string | Required | Father's name on POI document |
| address | string | Required except for Individual PAN | Address as on POI document for “aadhaar” / “passport” / “drivingLicence” / “voterid”/"aadhaarDigiLocker"/dlDigiLocker/"aadhaarXml" |
| pincode | string | Required except for Individual PAN | Pincode as on POI document for “aadhaar” / “passport” / “drivingLicence” / “voterid”/"aadhaarDigiLocker"/dlDigiLocker/"aadhaarXml" |
| state | string | Required except for Individual PAN | State as on POI document for “aadhaar” / “passport” / “drivingLicence” / “voterid”/"aadhaarDigiLocker"/dlDigiLocker/"aadhaarXml" |
| district | string | Required except for Individual PAN | District as on POI document for “aadhaar” / “passport” / “drivingLicence” / “voterid”/"aadhaarDigiLocker"/dlDigiLocker/"aadhaarXml" |
| city | string | Required except for Individual PAN | City as on POI document for “aadhaar” / “passport” / “drivingLicence” / “voterid”/"aadhaarDigiLocker"/dlDigiLocker/"aadhaarXml" |
| expiryDate | string | Required except for Individual PAN | Expiry Date as on POI document for “aadhaar” / “passport” / “drivingLicence” / “voterid”/"aadhaarDigiLocker"/dlDigiLocker/"aadhaarXml" |
| issueDate | string | Required except for Individual PAN | Issue Date as on POI document for “aadhaar” / “passport” / “drivingLicence” / “voterid”/"aadhaarDigiLocker"/dlDigiLocker/"aadhaarXml" |
| fileUrl | array of URLs | Required | An array of image URLs of the ID card, front and back in order. In case of PAN, pass URL of front Image and in case of Driving License pass URLs of either front or both sides of images. |
addressProof | type | string | Required | “aadhaar” / “passport” / “drivingLicence” / “voterid”/"aadhaarDigiLocker"/dlDigiLocker/"aadhaarXml" |
| name | string | Required | Name on POA document |
| expiryDate | string | Required,allow empty | Expiry date on the document |
| issueDate | string | Required, allow empty | Issue date on the document |
| dateOfBirth | string | Required | DOB on POA document |
| number | string | Required | Document number on POA Document |
| address | string | Required | Address as on POA document |
| pincode | string | Required | Pincode as on POA document |
| state | string | Required | State as on POA document |
| district | string | Required | District as on POA document |
| city | string | Required | City as on POA document |
| fileUrl | array | Required | An array of image URLs of the ID card, front and back in order. In case of PAN, pass URL of front Image and in case of Driving License pass URLs of either front or both sides of images. |
| country | string | Required | Country as on POA Document |
corrAddressProof | type | string | Required | “aadhaar” / “passport” / “drivingLicence” / “voterid”/"aadhaarDigiLocker"/dlDigiLocker/"aadhaarXml" |
| name | string | Required | Name on CPOA document |
| number | string | Required | Expiry date on the CPOA document |
| address | string | Required | Issue date on the CPOA document |
| pincode | string | Required | DOB on CPOA document |
| dateOfBirth | string | Required | Document number on CPOA Document |
| state | string | Required | Address as on CPOA document |
| district | string | Required | Pincode as on CPOA document |
| city | string | Required | State as on CPOA document |
| expiryDate | string | Required, allow empty | District as on CPOA document |
| issueDate | string | Required, allow empty | |
bankAccount | fileUrl | array | Optional | City as on POA document |
video | country | string | Optional | An array of image URLs of the ID card, front and back in order. In case of PAN, pass URL of front Image and in case of Driving License pass URLs of either front or both sides of images. |
fatcaData | sameAsPermanent | string | | IF CPOA same as POA |
| fileUrl | array of strings | Required | Cheque file URL, can pass POI image if bank account verification is not being used |
| fileUrl | array of strings | Required | File URL of Video. Required for KYC mode=3 |
| pep | ENUM String | Required | whether a 'politically exposed person’ values: “YES” / “NO” |
| rpep | ENUM String | Required | whether a 'related to a politically exposed person’ values: “YES” / “NO” |
| residentForTaxInIndia | ENUM String | Required | whether a 'resident outside of India’ values: “YES” / “NO” |
| countryCodeJurisdictionResidence | Enum String | Optional | Country of Jurisdiction of Residence code (Refer Table 1.1), to be provided given “residentForTaxInIndia” is “YES” |
| placeOfBirth | string | Optional | Place of Birth, to be provided given “residentForTaxInIndia” is “YES” |
| countryCodeOfBirth | string | Optional | Country of birth (Refer Table 1.1), to be provided given “residentForTaxInIndia” is “YES” |
fatcaData.address | pinCode | string | Optional | Fatca address Pincode, to be provided given “residentForTaxInIndia” is “YES” |
| city | string | Optional | Fatca address city, to be provided given “residentForTaxInIndia” is “YES” |
| district | string | Optional | Fatca address district, to be provided given “residentForTaxInIndia” is “YES” |
| state | string | Optional | Fatca address state code (Refer Table 1.2), to be provided given “residentForTaxInIndia” is “YES” |
| country | string | Optional | Fatca address country (Refer Table 1.1), to be provided given “residentForTaxInIndia” is “YES" |
| address | string | Optional | Fatca address, to be provided given “residentForTaxInIndia” is “YES” |
| taxIdentificationNumber | string | Optional | Tax Identification Number, to be provided given “residentForTaxInIndia” is “YES” |
| relatedPerson | Enum String | Optional | whether a related person to investor or investor themselves, values: “YES” / “NO” |
| relatedPersonData.type | string | Optional | Type of related person, values: “1” / “2” / “3” for “Guardian of a Minor”, “Assignee”, “Authorised Representative” respectively, Required if related person is applicable (relatedPerson is “YES”) |
| .title | string | Optional | Related Person Title, values: “Mr.”/ “Mrs.” / “Ms.” / “Mx.”, Required if related person is applicable (relatedPerson is “YES”) |
| .name | string | Optional | Name of related person, Required if related person is applicable (relatedPerson is “YES”) |
| .kycNumber | string | Optional | KYC number of related person (Required if relatedPersonKycNumberExists is “YES”) |
| .relatedPersonIdentityProof | object with sub-fields | Optional | Required if related person is applicable(relatedPerson is “YES”), see below for details |
| .relatedPersonIdentityProof.type | string | Optional | Type of related persons ID proof, values: “individualPan” / “aadhaar” / “passport” / “drivingLicence” / “voterId”, Required if related person is applicable (relatedPerson is “YES”) |
| .relatedPersonIdentityProof.number | string | Optional | Document number on document Proof, Required if related person is applicable(relatedPerson is “YES”), |
| .relatedPersonIdentityProof.expiryDate | string | Optional | Expiry date on the document,Required if related person is applicable(relatedPerson is “YES”), |
| .relatedPersonIdentityProof.fileUrl | array of strings | Optional | An array of image URLs of the ID card, front and back in order. In case of PAN, pass URL of front Image and in case of Driving License pass URLs of either front or both sides of images., Required if related person is applicable(relatedPerson is “YES”), |
signature | signatureImageUrl | string | Required | Signature Image URL |
userForensics | userData.geoData.city | string | Required | Geo Location City of user |
userPhoto | userPhoto | string | Required | User Photo URL |
esign | signedPdf | string | Required | Signed form URL combined of all the data and documents |
empDetails | name | string | Required | EIPV Details : name of Employee |
| designation | string | Required | EIPV Details : designation of Employee |
| branch | string | Required | EIPV Details : brand of Employee |
| code | string | Required | EIPV Details : Employee code |
callbackUrl | callbackUrl | string | Optional | Callback URL to receive the response on KRA push |
Key | Data type | Description |
customerId | String | The id of the customer for onboarding |
requsetId | String | The application id for the onboarding journey |
callbackUrl | String | The URL where the complete data of the customer will be posted once the onboarding process is completed |
Getting help
Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions, require clarification, or have ideas for how to make the documents or any of our services better.
You can reach out to us at [email protected].