Negative Due Diligence Check
The Negative Due Diligence Check API enables users to perform a comprehensive due diligence check on individuals and entities. This API allows you to assess the presence of adverse media, defaulters, disqualifications, and other relevant information associated with a particular individual or entity. .
The Negative Due Diligence Check API retrieves data from various credible sources, including governmental databases, regulatory bodies, and public records. It provides you with valuable insights into potential risks related to anti-money laundering (AML), countering the financing of terrorism (CFT), non-compliance, lending, and other categories.
Whether you need to screen customers, partners, employees, or any other stakeholders, the Negative Due Diligence Check API streamlines the due diligence process and helps you identify individuals or entities with a history of disqualifications or adverse records. By leveraging this API, you can proactively mitigate risks and ensure compliance with regulatory requirements.
Database Name | Database Name |
Absconding Criminals | MCA Disqualified Directors |
Adverse Media | MCA Dormant Directors |
Associated Entity | MCA MLM Company |
Blacklisted Doctors | MCA Proclaimed Offenders |
Blacklisted Entities | MCX Defaulters |
Blacklisted Individuals | MHA UAPA |
Blacklisted NGOs | MSEI Defaulters |
BSE Defaulters Expelled | NBFC |
BSE Delisted Companies | NCDEX Cessation Members |
BSE Suspended Companies | NCDEX Defaulters Members |
Central Vigilance Commission | NCDEX Expelled Members |
CIBIL Defaulters | NIA Arrested Person |
Crime Bureau Most Wanted | NIA Most Wanted |
DVAT Defaulter Dealers | NSE Defaulters |
Enforcement | OFAC SDN Criminal List |
EOCN UAE | OFSI UK Sanction List |
EU Sanction List | Politically Exposed Person |
FATF | Registrations |
FCRA Cancelled | Sanction List |
FCRA Suspended | SEBI Illegal Money List |
Financial Intelligence Unit Defaulters | SFIO Conviction |
Income Tax Defaulters | SFIO Proclaimed |
Interpol | SFIO Prosecution |
IRDA Defaulters | SOE |
Mastercard Match | UN Sanctions |
MCA Defaulter Directors | US Sanction List |
MCA Defaulter Entities | World Bank |
Name | Value | Required | Description |
Content-Type | application/json | Mandatory | The type of content that the request body contains. |
Authorization | XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX | Mandatory | An authentication token to authorize the request. Reach out to the Signzy support team to get one created. |
Parameters | Description | Type | Value |
name | Name of the individual/entity whose background check has to be done | String | Mandatory |
type | Whether it is an individual or an entity | String | Mandatory (entity/individual) |
category | Negative Categories List on which search has to be done Possible Values | Array | Optional |
databaseList | Negative Databases List on which search has to be done | Array | Optional |
matchScoreThreshold | Threshold Score up to which search has to be done | String | Optional |
dateOfBirthOrIncorporation | Date of Birth/Date of Incorporation of the individual/entity | String | Optional |
dateOfBirthOrIncorporationExactMatch | dateOfBirthOrIncorporationExactMatch | Boolean | Optional |
identificationNumber | Identification Number of the individual/entity | String | Optional |
placeOfBirth | placeOfBirth | String | Optional |
zipcode | Zipcode of the place where individual/entity resides | String | Optional |
country | Name of the country where individual/entity resides | String | Optional |
countryExactMatch | countryExactMatch | Booleans | Optional |
aliasArray | Alternate names of the individual/entity | Array | Optional |
searchText | Specific Words on which search has to be done for the individual/entity | Array | Optional |
acquirerId | acquirerId | String | Optional |
merchantName | merchantName | String | Optional |
merchantDoingBusinessAsName | merchantDoingBusinessAsName | String | Optional |
merchantAltPhoneNumber | merchantAltPhoneNumber | String | Optional |
merchantURL | merchantURL | String | Optional |
merchantAddress | merchantAddress | Object | Optional |
merchantAddress.Line1 | Line1 | String | Optional |
merchantAddress.Line2 | Line2 | String | Optional |
merchantAddress.City | City | String | Optional |
merchantAddress.CountrySubdivision | CountrySubdivision | String | Optional |
merchantAddress.PostalCode | PostalCode | String | Optional |
merchantAddress.Country | Country | String | Optional |
principalMiddleInitial | principalMiddleInitial | String | Optional |
principalFirstName | principalFirstName | String | Optional |
principalLastName | principalLastName | String | Optional |
principalPhoneNumber | principalPhoneNumber | String | Optional |
principalAddress | principalAddress | Object | Optional |
principalAddress.Line1 | Line1 | String | Optional |
principalAddress.City | City | String | Optional |
principalAddress.CountrySubdivision | CountrySubdivision | String | Optional |
principalAddress.PostalCode | PostalCode | String | Optional |
principalAddress.Country | Country | String | Optional |
The request should include the following data parameters:
The API response will contain information related to various entities and their scores. Here is an example of the expected response structure:
The response includes the following parameters:
Database name | Description |
blacklistedEntities | Contains information about blacklisted entities. |
nbfcBlacklisted | Contains information about blacklisted NBFCs. |
MCAdefaulterEntities | Contains information about entities that defaulted according to the Ministry of Corporate Affairs. |
UNSanctionsListEntities | Contains information about entities listed in the UN Sanctions List. |
financialIntelligenceUnitDefaulters | Contains information about entities identified as defaulters by the Financial Intelligence Unit. |
dvatDefaulterDealers | Contains information about dealers who defaulted on DVAT payments. |
ofacSDNCriminalEntities | Contains information about criminal entities listed in the OFAC SDN list. |
mastercardMatch | Contains information about entities matched by Mastercard. |
mastercardMatchStatus | Indicates the status of the Mastercard match. |
mastercardMatchError | Provides an error message if there was an error in the Mastercard match. |
usSanctionList | Contains information about entities listed in the US Sanctions List. |
nseDefaulters | Contains information about entities that defaulted on the National Stock Exchange. |
blacklistedNgos | Contains information about blacklisted NGOs. |
fcraCancelled | Contains information about associations whose FCRA registration was cancelled. |
irdaDefaulters | Contains information about entities that defaulted on IRDA regulations. |
mcxDefaulters | Contains information about entities that defaulted on the Multi Commodity Exchange. |
cibilDefaulters | Contains information about entities listed as defaulters in the CIBIL database. |
sebiIlegalMoneyList | Contains information about entities listed in the SEBI Illegal Money List. |
matchStatus | Indicates the overall match status of the API response. |
Detailed Response parameters for one of the Database Category, Example PEP:
Property | Example Value | Description |
politicallyExposedPerson | Array containing PEP details | Contains information about the politically exposed person (PEP) matched in the check. |
scores | {"nameMatch": "85.00", "dobMatch": "", ...} | Provides scores for different matching criteria, such as nameMatch, dobMatch, countryMatch, zipcodeMatch, aliasArrayMatch, identificationNumberMatch, and searchTextMatch. |
details | {"Family name at birth": "", "Forename ...} | Presents detailed information about the matched PEP, including various attributes like family name at birth, forename in the original script, aliases, country, date of birth (dob), government designation, and more. |
relevance | ["AML", "CFT", "LENDING", "NONCOMPLIANCE"] | Indicates the relevance of the matched PEP to different risk categories, such as Anti-Money Laundering (AML), Counter Financing of Terrorism (CFT), lending risks, and non-compliance risks. |
overallScore | "85.00" | Represents the overall score or confidence level of the match, indicating the likelihood of the individual being a politically exposed person. |
matchStatus | "Match Found" | Specifies the status of the match. In this case, it confirms that a match has been found for a politically exposed person. |
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