Fetch by CIN realtime
Fetch by CIN real-time API is an advanced solution designed for seamless retrieval of comprehensive company information using a Corporate Identification Number (CIN). This API provides detailed insights including basic company details, detailed financial data including balance sheet and profit-loss details, information on charges, auditor details, complete legal history, details of authority signatories, director shareholdings, and much more.
Name | Value | Required | Description |
Content-Type | application/json | Mandatory | The type of content that the request body contains. |
Authorization | XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX | Mandatory | An authentication token to authorize the request. Reach out to the Signzy support team to get one created. |
Parameter | Data Type | Description | Required |
task | String | Specifies the type of task to be performed. It should be “fetchRealtime" for this API. | Mandatory |
essentials | Object | Contains the essential parameters for the task. | Mandatory |
essentials.cin | String | Corporate Identification Number. | Mandatory |
essentials.callbackUrl | String | The callback URL to which the response should be sent. | Optional |
Parameter | Data Type | Description |
essentials | Object | Contains essential parameters for the task. |
essentials.cin | String | Corporate Identification Number. |
essentials.callbackUrl | String | Callback URL for the response. |
id | String | Unique ID for the request. |
patronId | String | Your Patron ID is returned here. |
task | String | The specific task to be performed. |
result | Object | Contains the result of the task. |
result.companyData | Object | Contains the company details. |
result.companyData.authorizedCapital | String | The authorized capital of the company. |
result.companyData.cin | String | Corporate Identification Number. |
result.companyData.efilingStatus | String | Company status (as per changes at MCA v3) |
result.companyData.dateOfIncorporation | String | Date when the company was incorporated. In format DD/MM/YYYY. |
result.companyData.legalName | String | Legal name of the company. |
result.companyData.companyName | String | Name of the company. |
result.companyData.paidUpCapital | String | The paid-up capital of the company. |
result.companyData.sumOfCharges | String | The sum of charges on the company. |
result.companyData.companyDescription | String | Description of the company. |
result.companyData.registeredAddress | Object | Registered address of the company. |
result.companyData.registeredAddress.fullAddress | String | Full address of the registered address. |
result.companyData.registeredAddress.addressLine1 | String | The first line of the registered address. |
result.companyData.registeredAddress.addressLine2 | String | The second line of the registered address. |
result.companyData.registeredAddress.city | String | City of the registered address. |
result.companyData.registeredAddress.pincode | String | Pincode of the registered address. |
result.companyData.registeredAddress.state | String | State of the registered address. |
result.companyData.businessAddress | Object | Business address of the company. |
result.companyData.businessAddress.addressLine1 | String | The first line of the business address. |
result.companyData.businessAddress.addressLine2 | String | The second line of the business address. |
result.companyData.businessAddress.city | String | City of the business address. |
result.companyData.businessAddress.pincode | String | Pincode of the business address. |
result.companyData.businessAddress.state | String | State of the business address. |
result.companyData.pan | String | PAN (Permanent Account Number) associated with the company. |
result.companyData.classification | String | Classification of the company. |
result.companyData.status | String | Current status of the company. |
result.companyData.nextCin | String | Next Corporate Identification Number of the company. |
result.companyData.lastAgmDate | String | Date of the last Annual General Meeting.In format DD/MM/YYYY. |
result.companyData.lastFilingDate | String | Date of the last filing.In format DD/MM/YYYY |
result.companyData.email | String | Email address of the company. |
result.companyData.authorizedSignatories | Array of objects | List of authorized signatories. Below parameters will be null after changes in MCA v3:
result.companyData.authorizedSignatories.pan | String | PAN of the authorized signatory. |
result.companyData.authorizedSignatories.din | String | DIN (Director Identification Number) of the signatory. |
result.companyData.authorizedSignatories.name | String | Name of the authorized signatory. |
result.companyData.authorizedSignatories.designation | String | Designation of the authorized signatory. |
result.companyData.authorizedSignatories.dateOfBirth | String | Date of birth of the authorized signatory. In format DD/MM/YYYY. |
result.companyData.authorizedSignatories.age | String | Age of the authorized signatory. |
result.companyData.authorizedSignatories.dateOfAppointment | String | Date of appointment of the authorized signatory. In format DD/MM/YYYY. |
result.companyData.authorizedSignatories.dateOfAppointmentForCurrentDesignation | String | Date of appointment for the current designation of the signatory. In format DD/MM/YYYY. |
result.companyData.authorizedSignatories.dateOfCessation | String | Date of cessation. In format DD/MM/YYYY. If the date is earlier,the Director is not currently active. |
result.companyData.authorizedSignatories.dinStatus | String | Status of the DIN of the signatory. |
result.companyData.charges | Array of objects | List of charges against the company. |
result.companyData.charges.chargeId | String | Unique ID for the charge. |
result.companyData.charges.type | String | Type of charge. |
result.companyData.charges.date | String | Date of the charge.In format DD/MM/YYYY. |
result.companyData.charges.amount | String | Amount related to the charge. |
result.companyData.charges.holdeName | String | Name of the holder of the charge. |
result.companyData.charges.propertyType | String | Type of property involved in the charge. |
result.companyData.charges.propertyParticulars | String | Particulars of the property involved in the charge. |
result.companyData.charges.filingDate | String | Date of filing for the charge. In format DD/MM/YYYY. |
result.companyData.charges.numberOfHolder | String | Number of holders involved in the charge. |
result.companyData.auditors | Array of objects | List of auditors. |
result.companyData.auditors.year | String | The fiscal year for which the auditor is relevant. |
result.companyData.auditors.auditorName | String | Name of the auditor. |
result.companyData.auditors.auditorFirmName | String | Name of the auditor's firm. |
result.companyData.auditors.pan | String | PAN (Permanent Account Number) of the auditor. |
result.companyData.auditors.membershipNumber | String | Membership number of the auditor. |
result.companyData.auditors.firmRegistrationNumber | String | Registration number of the auditing firm. |
result.companyData.auditors.address | String | Address of the auditing firm. |
result.companyData.detailedFinancials | Array of objects | Detailed financials of the company. |
result.companyData.detailedFinancials.year | String | Fiscal year of the financial record. |
result.companyData.detailedFinancials.nature | String | Nature of the financial data. |
result.companyData.detailedFinancials.statedOn | String | Date on which the financial data was stated. In format DD/MM/YYYY. |
result.companyData.detailedFinancials.filingStandard | String | Filing standard used for the financial data. |
result.companyData.detailedFinancials.bs | Object | Balance sheet-related data. |
result.companyData.detailedFinancials.bs.assets | Object | Details of assets in the balance sheet. |
result.companyData.detailedFinancials.bs.assets.producingProperties | String | Value of producing properties. |
result.companyData.detailedFinancials.bs.assets.cashAndBankBalances | String | Cash and bank balances. |
result.companyData.detailedFinancials.bs.assets.tangibleAssetsCapitalWorkInProgress | String | Tangible assets in the capital work-in-progress. |
result.companyData.detailedFinancials.bs.assets.shortTermLoansAndAdvances | String | Short-term loans and advances. |
result.companyData.detailedFinancials.bs.assets.currentInvestments | String | Current investments. |
result.companyData.detailedFinancials.bs.assets.foreignCurrMonetaryItemTransDiffAssetAccount | String | Foreign currency monetary item transaction difference in asset account. |
result.companyData.detailedFinancials.bs.assets.tradeReceivables | String | Trade receivables. |
result.companyData.detailedFinancials.bs.assets.tangibleAssets | String | Tangible assets. |
result.companyData.detailedFinancials.bs.assets.otherNoncurrentAssets | String | Other noncurrent assets. |
result.companyData.detailedFinancials.bs.assets.noncurrentInvestments | String | Noncurrent investments. |
result.companyData.detailedFinancials.bs.assets.intangibleAssets | String | Intangible assets. |
result.companyData.detailedFinancials.bs.assets.preproducingProperties | String | Value of preproducing properties. |
result.companyData.detailedFinancials.bs.assets.givenAssetsTotal | String | Total given assets. |
result.companyData.detailedFinancials.bs.assets.inventories | String | Inventories. |
result.companyData.detailedFinancials.bs.assets.otherCurrentAssets | String | Other current assets. |
result.companyData.detailedFinancials.bs.assets.intangibleAssetsUnderDevelopment | String | Intangible assets under development. |
result.companyData.detailedFinancials.bs.assets.deferredTaxAssetsNet | String | Net deferred tax assets. |
result.companyData.detailedFinancials.bs.assets.longTermLoansAndAdvances | String | Long-term loans and advances. |
result.companyData.detailedFinancials.bs.liabilities | Object | Details of liabilities in the balance sheet. |
result.companyData.detailedFinancials.bs.liabilities.givenLiabilitiesTotal | String | Total given liabilities. |
result.companyData.detailedFinancials.bs.liabilities.shareCapital | String | Share capital. |
result.companyData.detailedFinancials.bs.liabilities.moneyReceivedAgainstShareWarrants | String | Money received against share warrants. |
result.companyData.detailedFinancials.bs.liabilities.deferredTaxLiabilitiesNet | String | Net deferred tax liabilities. |
result.companyData.detailedFinancials.bs.liabilities.minorityInterest | String | Minority interest. |
result.companyData.detailedFinancials.bs.liabilities.shortTermProvisions | String | Short-term provisions. |
result.companyData.detailedFinancials.bs.liabilities.longTermBorrowings | String | Long-term borrowings. |
result.companyData.detailedFinancials.bs.liabilities.deferredGovernmentGrants | String | Deferred government grants. |
result.companyData.detailedFinancials.bs.liabilities.tradePayables | String | Trade payables. |
result.companyData.detailedFinancials.bs.liabilities.reservesAndSurplus | String | Reserves and surplus. |
result.companyData.detailedFinancials.bs.liabilities.otherLongTermLiabilities | String | Other long-term liabilities. |
result.companyData.detailedFinancials.bs.liabilities.otherCurrentLiabilities | String | Other current liabilities. |
result.companyData.detailedFinancials.bs.liabilities.foreignCurrMonetaryItemTransDiffLiabilityAccount | String | Foreign currency monetary item transaction difference in liability account. |
result.companyData.detailedFinancials.bs.liabilities.longTermProvisions | String | Long-term provisions. |
result.companyData.detailedFinancials.bs.liabilities.shortTermBorrowings | String | Short-term borrowings. |
result.companyData.detailedFinancials.bs.liabilities.shareApplicationMoneyPendingAllotment | String | Share application money pending allotment. |
result.companyData.detailedFinancials.bs.subTotals | Object | Subtotals for various categories in the balance sheet. |
result.companyData.detailedFinancials.bs.subTotals.totalCurrentLiabilities | String | Total current liabilities. |
result.companyData.detailedFinancials.bs.subTotals.totalCurrentAssets | String | Total current assets. |
result.companyData.detailedFinancials.bs.subTotals.capitalWip | String | Capital work-in-progress. |
result.companyData.detailedFinancials.bs.subTotals.totalEquity | String | Total equity. |
result.companyData.detailedFinancials.bs.subTotals.totalDebt | String | Total debt. |
result.companyData.detailedFinancials.bs.subTotals.netFixedAssets | String | Net fixed assets. |
result.companyData.detailedFinancials.bs.metadata | Object | Metadata for the balance sheet, including document references. |
result.companyData.detailedFinancials.bs.metadata.fileName | String | Name of the document file. |
result.companyData.detailedFinancials.bs.metadata.fileURL | String | URL to download the document file. |
result.companyData.detailedFinancials.pnl | Object | Profit and loss-related data. |
result.companyData.detailedFinancials.pnl.lineItems | Object | Line items in the profit and loss statement. |
result.companyData.detailedFinancials.pnl.lineItems.netRevenue | String | Net revenue or sales. |
result.companyData.detailedFinancials.pnl.lineItems.totalCostOfMaterialsConsumed | String | Total cost of materials consumed. |
result.companyData.detailedFinancials.pnl.lineItems.totalPurchasesOfStockInTrade | String | Total purchases of stock in trade. |
result.companyData.detailedFinancials.pnl.lineItems.totalChangesInInventoriesOrFinishedGoods | String | Total changes in inventories or finished goods. |
result.companyData.detailedFinancials.pnl.lineItems.totalEmployeeBenefitExpense | String | Total employee benefit expense. |
result.companyData.detailedFinancials.pnl.lineItems.totalOtherExpenses | String | Total other expenses. |
result.companyData.detailedFinancials.pnl.lineItems.operatingProfit | String | Operating profit. |
result.companyData.detailedFinancials.pnl.lineItems.otherIncome | String | Other income. |
result.companyData.detailedFinancials.pnl.lineItems.depreciation | String | Depreciation expenses. |
result.companyData.detailedFinancials.pnl.lineItems.profitBeforeInterestAndTax | String | Profit before interest and tax. |
result.companyData.detailedFinancials.pnl.lineItems.interest | String | Interest expenses. |
result.companyData.detailedFinancials.pnl.lineItems.profitBeforeTaxAndExceptionalItemsBeforeTax | String | Profit before tax and exceptional items. |
result.companyData.detailedFinancials.pnl.lineItems.exceptionalItemsBeforeTax | String | Exceptional items before tax. |
result.companyData.detailedFinancials.pnl.lineItems.profitBeforeTax | String | Profit before tax. |
result.companyData.detailedFinancials.pnl.lineItems.incomeTax | String | Income tax expenses. |
result.companyData.detailedFinancials.pnl.lineItems.profitForPeriodFromContinuingOperations | String | Profit for the period from continuing operations. |
result.companyData.detailedFinancials.pnl.lineItems.profitFromDiscontinuingOperationAfterTax | String | Profit from discontinuing operation after tax. |
result.companyData.detailedFinancials.pnl.lineItems.minorityInterestAndProfitFromAssociatesAndJointVentures | String | Minority interest and profit from associates and joint ventures. |
result.companyData.detailedFinancials.pnl.lineItems.profitAfterTax | String | Profit after tax. |
result.companyData.detailedFinancials.pnl.subTotals | Object | Subtotals for various categories in the Profit and Loss statement. |
result.companyData.detailedFinancials.pnl.subTotals.totalOperatingCost | String | Total operating cost. |
result.companyData.detailedFinancials.pnl.revenueBreakup | Object | Breakup of revenue in the profit and loss statement. |
result.companyData.detailedFinancials.pnl.revenueBreakup.revenueFromOperations | String | Revenue from operations. |
result.companyData.detailedFinancials.pnl.revenueBreakup.revenueFromInterest | String | Revenue from interest. |
result.companyData.detailedFinancials.pnl.revenueBreakup.revenueFromOtherFinancialServices | String | Revenue from other financial services. |
result.companyData.detailedFinancials.pnl.revenueBreakup.revenueFromSaleOfProducts | String | Revenue from the sale of products. |
result.companyData.detailedFinancials.pnl.revenueBreakup.revenueFromSaleOfServices | String | Revenue from the sale of services. |
result.companyData.detailedFinancials.pnl.revenueBreakup.otherOperatingRevenues | String | Other operating revenues. |
result.companyData.detailedFinancials.pnl.revenueBreakup.exciseDuty | String | Excise duty collected. |
result.companyData.detailedFinancials.pnl.revenueBreakup.serviceTaxCollected | String | Service tax collected. |
result.companyData.detailedFinancials.pnl.revenueBreakup.otherDutiesTaxesCollected | String | Other duties and taxes collected. |
result.companyData.detailedFinancials.pnl.depreciationBreakup | Object | Breakup of depreciation in the profit and loss statement. |
result.companyData.detailedFinancials.pnl.depreciationBreakup.depreciation | String | Depreciation expenses. |
result.companyData.detailedFinancials.pnl.depreciationBreakup.amortisation | String | Amortization expenses. |
result.companyData.detailedFinancials.pnl.depreciationBreakup.depletion | String | Depletion expenses. |
result.companyData.detailedFinancials.pnl.metadata | Object | Metadata for the profit and loss statement, including document references. |
result.companyData.detailedFinancials.pnl.metadata.fileName | String | Name of the document file. |
result.companyData.detailedFinancials.pnl.metadata.fileURL | String | URL to download the document file. |
result.companyData.detailedFinancials.auditorComments | Object | Comments from auditors on the financials. |
result.companyData.detailedFinancials.auditorComments.reportHasAdverseRemarks | String | Indicator of whether the auditor's report has adverse remarks. |
result.companyData.detailedFinancials.auditorComments.disclosuresAuditorRepoaudort | Array of objects | Disclosures from the auditor's report. |
result.companyData.detailedFinancials.auditorComments.disclosuresAuditorRepoaudort.auditor | String | Information from the auditor in the report. |
result.companyData.detailedFinancials.auditorComments.disclosuresAuditorRepoaudort.footnote | String | Footnote provided by the auditor. |
result.companyData.detailedFinancials.auditorComments.disclosuresDirectorReport | String | Information from the director's report. |
result.companyData.financialParameters | Array of objects | Various financial parameters of the company. |
result.companyData.financialParameters.tradeReceivableExceedingSixMonths | String | Amount of trade receivables exceeding six months. |
result.companyData.financialParameters.nature | String | Nature of the financial data. |
result.companyData.financialParameters.employeeBenefitExpense | String | Expense related to employee benefits. |
result.companyData.financialParameters.expenditureFc | String | Forecasted expenditure. |
result.companyData.financialParameters.proposedDividend | String | Information on whether dividends are proposed. |
result.companyData.financialParameters.grossFixedAssets | String | Total gross fixed assets. |
result.companyData.financialParameters.earningFc | String | Forecasted earnings. |
result.companyData.financialParameters.year | String | Fiscal year of the financial parameter record. |
result.companyData.financialParameters.transactionRelatedPartiesAs18 | String | Transactions with related parties as per AS18. |
result.companyData.industrySegments | Array of objects | Industry segments the company operates in. |
result.companyData.industrySegments.industry | String | Industry sector. |
result.companyData.industrySegments.segments | Array of strings | List of segments within the industry. |
result.companyData.principalBusinessActivities | Array of objects | Principal business activities of the company. |
result.companyData.principalBusinessActivities.businessActivityCode | String | Code for the business activity. |
result.companyData.principalBusinessActivities.businessActivityDescription | String | Description of the business activity. |
result.companyData.principalBusinessActivities.mainActivityGroupDescription | String | Description of the main activity group. |
result.companyData.principalBusinessActivities.percentageOfTurnover | String | Percentage of turnover attributed to the activity. |
result.companyData.principalBusinessActivities.year | String | Fiscal year of the business activity record. |
result.companyData.principalBusinessActivities.mainActivityGroupCode | String | Code for the main activity group. |
result.companyData.shareholdings | Array of objects | Contains shareholding details of the company. |
result.companyData.shareholdings.totalPercentageOfShares | String | Total percentage of shares held. |
result.companyData.shareholdings.nriHeldPercentageOfShares | String | Percentage of shares held by NRIs. |
result.companyData.shareholdings.ventureCapitalHeldPercentageOfShares | String | Percentage of shares held by venture capitals. |
result.companyData.shareholdings.totalNoOfShares | String | Total number of shares. |
result.companyData.shareholdings.centralGovernmentHeldPercentageOfShares | String | Percentage of shares held by the central government. |
result.companyData.shareholdings.year | String | Fiscal year of the shareholding record. |
result.companyData.shareholdings.othersHeldPercentageOfShares | String | Percentage of shares held by others. |
result.companyData.shareholdings.bankHeldNoOfShares | String | Number of shares held by banks. |
result.companyData.shareholdings.mutualFundsHeldPercentageOfShares | String | Percentage of shares held by mutual funds. |
result.companyData.shareholdings.stateGovernmentHeldPercentageOfShares | String | Percentage of shares held by the state government. |
result.companyData.shareholdings.insuranceCompanyHeldPercentageOfShares | String | Percentage of shares held by insurance companies. |
result.companyData.shareholdings.financialInstitutionsHeldNoOfShares | String | Number of shares held by financial institutions. |
result.companyData.shareholdings.category | String | Category of shares. |
result.companyData.shareholdings.shareholders | String | Type of shareholders. |
result.companyData.shareholdings.financialInstitutionsHeldPercentageOfShares | String | Percentage of shares held by financial institutions. |
result.companyData.shareholdings.financialInstitutionsInvestorsHeldPercentageOfShares | String | Percentage of shares held by financial institution investors. |
result.companyData.shareholdings.foreignHeldOtherThanNriNoOfShares | String | Number of shares held by foreign entities other than NRIs. |
result.companyData.shareholdings.bodyCorporateHeldPercentageOfShares | String | Percentage of shares held by body corporates. |
result.companyData.shareholdings.centralGovernmentHeldNoOfShares | String | Number of shares held by the central government. |
result.companyData.shareholdings.foreignHeldOtherThanNriPercentageOfShares | String | Percentage of shares held by foreign entities other than NRIs. |
result.companyData.shareholdings.financialInstitutionsInvestorsHeldNoOfShares | String | Number of shares held by financial institution investors. |
result.companyData.shareholdings.insuranceCompanyHeldNoOfShares | String | Number of shares held by insurance companies. |
result.companyData.shareholdings.bankHeldPercentageOfShares | String | Percentage of shares held by banks. |
result.companyData.shareholdings.indianHeldNoOfShares | String | Number of shares held by Indian entities. |
result.companyData.shareholdings.nriHeldNoOfShares | String | Number of shares held by NRIs. |
result.companyData.shareholdings.indianHeldPercentageOfShares | String | Percentage of shares held by Indian entities. |
result.companyData.shareholdings.othersHeldNoOfShares | String | Number of shares held by others. |
result.companyData.shareholdings.ventureCapitalHeldNoOfShares | String | Number of shares held by venture capitals. |
result.companyData.shareholdings.governmentCompanyHeldPercentageOfShares | String | Percentage of shares held by government companies. |
result.companyData.shareholdings.mutualFundsHeldNoOfShares | String | Number of shares held by mutual funds. |
result.companyData.shareholdings.stateGovernmentHeldNoOfShares | String | Number of shares held by the state government. |
result.companyData.shareholdings.bodyCorporateHeldNoOfShares | String | Number of shares held by body corporates. |
result.companyData.shareholdings.governmentCompanyHeldNoShares | String | Number of shares held by government companies. |
result.companyData.shareholdingsSummary | Array of objects | Array of shareholdings summary records. |
result.companyData.shareholdingsSummary.totalEquityShares | String | Total number of equity shares. |
result.companyData.shareholdingsSummary.promoter | String | Percentage of shares held by promoters. |
result.companyData.shareholdingsSummary.year | String | Fiscal year of the shareholding summary. |
result.companyData.shareholdingsSummary.totalPreferenceShares | String | Total number of preference shares. |
result.companyData.shareholdingsSummary.total | String | Total number of shares. |
result.companyData.shareholdingsSummary.public | String | Percentage of shares held by the public. |
result.companyData.directorShareholdings | Array of objects | Director shareholdings records. |
result.companyData.directorShareholdings.dateOfCessation | String | Date of cessation.In format DD/MM/YYYY. |
result.companyData.directorShareholdings.designation | String | Designation of the director. |
result.companyData.directorShareholdings.percentageHolding | String | Percentage of shareholding by the director. |
result.companyData.directorShareholdings.noOfShares | String | Number of shares held by the director. |
result.companyData.directorShareholdings.dinPan | String | DIN or PAN of the director. |
result.companyData.directorShareholdings.fullName | String | Full name of the director. |
result.companyData.directorShareholdings.year | String | Fiscal year of the director's shareholding. |
result.companyData.bifrHistory | Array of objects | BIFR (Board for Industrial and Financial Reconstruction) history. This detail is not available. |
result.companyData.cdrHistory | Array of objects | CDR (Corporate Debt Restructuring) history. This detail is not available. |
result.companyData.defaulterList | Array of objects | Defaulter list. |
result.companyData.defaulterList.date | String | Date associated with the defaulter record. In format DD/MM/YYYY. |
result.companyData.defaulterList.agency | String | Agency reporting the default. |
result.companyData.defaulterList.bank | String | Bank associated with the default. |
result.companyData.defaulterList.amount | String | Amount related to the default. |
result.companyData.legalHistory | Array of objects | Contains legal history records. |
result.companyData.legalHistory.respondent | String | Name of the respondent in the legal case. |
result.companyData.legalHistory.caseTitle | String | Title of the legal case. |
result.companyData.legalHistory.petitioner | String | Name of the petitioner in the legal case. |
result.companyData.legalHistory.caseStatus | String | Status of the case. |
result.companyData.legalHistory.caseNumber | String | Case number. |
result.companyData.legalHistory.date | String | Date associated with the case record.In format DD/MM/YYYY. |
result.companyData.legalHistory.court | String | Court where the case is/was being heard. |
result.companyData.creditRatings | Array of strings | Contains credit rating records. |
result.companyData.creditRatings.rating | String | The credit rating assigned. |
result.companyData.creditRatings.ratingDate | String | Date on which the credit rating was assigned.In format DD/MM/YYYY. |
result.companyData.creditRatings.currency | String | Currency in which the rated amount is denominated. |
result.companyData.creditRatings.amount | String | Amount related to the credit rating. |
result.companyData.creditRatings.typeOfLoan | String | Type of loan or financial product for which the rating is applicable. |
result.companyData.creditRatings.ratingAgency | String | Agency that issued the credit rating. |
result.companyData.holdingCompanies | Object | Contains details about holding companies. |
result.companyData.holdingCompanies.status | String | Current status of the holding company. |
result.companyData.holdingCompanies.legalName | String | Legal name of the holding company. |
result.companyData.holdingCompanies.city | String | City where the holding company is located. |
result.companyData.holdingCompanies.sumOfCharges | String | Sum of charges on the holding company. |
result.companyData.holdingCompanies.paidUpCapital | String | Paid-up capital of the holding company. |
result.companyData.holdingCompanies.cin | String | Corporate Identification Number of the holding company. |
result.companyData.holdingCompanies.activeCompliance | String | Compliance status of the holding company. |
result.companyData.holdingCompanies.nextCin | String | Next CIN for the holding company. |
result.companyData.holdingCompanies.shareHoldingPercentage | String | Shareholding percentage in the holding company. |
result.companyData.holdingCompanies.incorporationDate | String | Date of incorporation of the holding company.In format DD/MM/YYYY. |
result.companyData.subsidiaryCompanies | Object | Contains detail about subsidiary companies. |
result.companyData.subsidiaryCompanies.status | String | Current status of the subsidiary company. |
result.companyData.subsidiaryCompanies.legalName | String | Legal name of the subsidiary company. |
result.companyData.subsidiaryCompanies.city | String | City where the subsidiary company is located. |
result.companyData.subsidiaryCompanies.sumOfCharges | String | Sum of charges on the subsidiary company. |
result.companyData.subsidiaryCompanies.paidUpCapital | String | Paid-up capital of the subsidiary company. |
result.companyData.subsidiaryCompanies.cin | String | Corporate Identification Number of the subsidiary company. |
result.companyData.subsidiaryCompanies.activeCompliance | String | Compliance status of the subsidiary company. |
result.companyData.subsidiaryCompanies.nextCin | String | Next CIN for the subsidiary company. |
result.companyData.subsidiaryCompanies.shareHoldingPercentage | String | Shareholding percentage in the subsidiary company. |
result.companyData.subsidiaryCompanies.incorporationDate | String | Date of incorporation of the subsidiary company.In format DD/MM/YYYY. |
result.companyData.associateCompanies | Object | Contains details about associate companies. |
result.companyData.associateCompanies.status | String | Current status of the associate company. |
result.companyData.associateCompanies.legalName | String | Legal name of the associate company. |
result.companyData.associateCompanies.city | String | City where the associate company is located. |
result.companyData.associateCompanies.sumOfCharges | String | Sum of charges on the associate company. |
result.companyData.associateCompanies.paidUpCapital | String | Paid-up capital of the associate company. |
result.companyData.associateCompanies.cin | String | Corporate Identification Number of the associate company. |
result.companyData.associateCompanies.activeCompliance | String | Compliance status of the associate company. |
result.companyData.associateCompanies.nextCin | String | Next CIN for the associate company. |
result.companyData.associateCompanies.shareHoldingPercentage | String | Shareholding percentage in the associate company. |
result.companyData.associateCompanies.incorporationDate | String | Date of incorporation of the associate company.In format DD/MM/YYYY |
result.companyData.jointVentures | Array of objects | Joint venture details. This detail is not available. |
result.companyData.chargeSequence | Array of objects | Contain details of charge records. |
result.companyData.chargeSequence.status | String | Status of the charge. |
result.companyData.chargeSequence.holderName | String | Name of the charge holder. |
result.companyData.chargeSequence.chargeId | String | Unique ID for the charge. |
result.companyData.chargeSequence.filingDate | String | Date on which the charge was filed.In format DD/MM/YYYY. |
result.companyData.chargeSequence.amount | String | Amount related to the charge. |
result.companyData.chargeSequence.date | String | Date associated with the charge. In format DD/MM/YYYY. |
result.companyData.chargeSequence.propertyType | String | Type of property associated with the charge. |
result.companyData.chargeSequence.numberOfHolder | String | Number of holders associated with the charge. |
result.companyData.securitiesAllotment | Array of objects | Contain securities allotment records. |
result.companyData.securitiesAllotment.nominalAmountPerSecurity | String | Nominal amount per individual security. |
result.companyData.securitiesAllotment.instrument | String | Type of instrument for the securities. |
result.companyData.securitiesAllotment.totalAmountRaised | String | Total amount raised through the allotment. |
result.companyData.securitiesAllotment.allotmentType | String | Type of allotment. |
result.companyData.securitiesAllotment.premiumAmountPerSecurity | String | Premium amount per individual security. |
result.companyData.securitiesAllotment.allotmentDate | String | Date on which the securities were allotted.In format DD/MM/YYYY. |
result.companyData.securitiesAllotment.numberOfSecuritiesAllotted | String | Number of securities allotted. |
result.companyData.lastUpdated | String | When the data was last Updated.In format DD/MM/YYYY. |
This API provides existing data from Signzy's systems. You can refer to the Data status API to see if an update/re-fetch is required from MCA In case you need to fetch the latest data from MCA, please use Fetch by CIN Async API.
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