Get All Subscription Payment Details
The "Get All Subscription Payment Details" API streamlines the process of retrieving comprehensive payment information associated with a subscription through a single request. By leveraging this API, users can efficiently access all payment details linked to a specific subscription, eliminating the need for multiple queries or manual aggregation of data. With just one request, this API provides a detailed overview of payment transactions, including payment IDs, order IDs, reference IDs, amounts, statuses, timestamps, and other relevant information. This simplifies subscription management and enhances operational efficiency by offering a consolidated view of payment history within the system or application.
This API employs API Keys for request authentication. It's crucial to safeguard your API Keys, as they grant various privileges. To obtain the Access Key, kindly reach out to our Support/CSM team. Once obtained, please utilize this access key in the Authorization header.
Authentication for the API is executed through the Authorization header.
Feel free to replace 'YOUR_ACCESS_KEY_HERE' with the actual Access Key provided by our Support/CSM team.
The details of the API can be found here.
Here's a table outlining the key parameters, descriptions, whether they are mandatory or optional, and their data types.
Key | Description | M/O | Type |
subReferenceId | A unique ID which was generated when the subscription was created | Mandatory | String |
lastId | The pagination counter to return results from | Mandatory | String |
count | The total number of payments to be shown in a paginated query | Mandatory | String |
Key | Description | Type |
result | Result object | Object |
result.status | Status of the result | String |
result.message | Message of the result | String |
result.payments | List of payment objects | Array |
payments | Payment object | Object |
payments.paymentId | Payment ID | Integer |
payments.cfOrderId | Custom field order ID | Integer |
payments.orderId | Order ID | String |
payments.referenceId | Reference ID | Integer |
payments.subReferenceId | Subscription reference ID | Integer |
payments.currency | Currency of the payment | String |
payments.amount | Amount of the payment | Integer |
payments.cycle | Cycle of the payment | Integer |
payments.status | Status of the payment | String |
payments.remarks | Remarks about the payment | String |
payments.addedOn | Date added | String |
payments.scheduledOn | Scheduled date | String |
payments.retryAttempts | Number of retry attempts | Integer |
payments.failureReason | Reason for failure | String |
result.lastId | Last payment ID returned | Integer |
Key | Description | Type |
error | Main error object | Object | | Error name | String |
error.message | Error message | String |
error.status | Error status code | String |
error.reason | Error reason | String |
error.type | Type of error | String |
error.statusCode | HTTP status code | String |
Error Code | Error Message | Explanation |
400 | Bad Request | Input parameter has a missing required parameter or invalid inputs |
401 | Authorization Failed | Authorization token is invalid |
404 | Not Found | The eneterd Sub Reference ID is not found |
500 | Internal Server Error | Internal error at Signzy, Please reach out to [email protected] |