Court Cases List Search
This API allows you to search and retrieve court case information based on various search criteria. By utilizing this API, you can easily access details of court cases, such as case numbers, filing dates, case types, hearing dates, and more. The Court Case List Search API is designed to provide seamless integration with your applications, enabling you to incorporate court case data into your systems, workflows, or legal applications. Whether you are a legal professional, researcher, or developer working on legal software solutions, this API simplifies the retrieval of court case information, saving you time and effort.
You will need to login before sending ID Intelligence request. You are required to pass the access token received from the login call, as authorization header in the ID Intelligence request .
Key | Value |
Authorization | access token (returned as id field of login request) |
Content-type | application/json |
The request body must include the following parameters:
task | The value should be "caseList". | String | REQUIRED |
name | Name of the individual/entity against whom the case has to be searched | String | REQUIRED |
address | Address of the individual or entity | String | OPTIONAL |
type | Type of Search | String | REQUIRED |
fatherName | Name of Father | String | OPTIONAL |
state | State associated with the individual or entity | String | OPTIONAL |
caseFilter | Filter on type of case , Valid Values are : ipap , women safety , pmla , police , motor | String | OPTIONAL |
source | Source for fetching cases Valid Values are: ecourt , high court , supreme court ,consumer court , tribunals , arrested , fir , ministry of corporate affairs , ibc , defaultersNote: If passed as empty string, will search in all sources. | String | OPTIONAL |
caseCategory | Filter for Case Category Valid Values are: criminal , civil Note: If passed as empty string, will search in all case categories. | String | OPTIONAL |
caseType | Valid Values are: petitioner , respondent Note: If passed as empty string, will search in all case type. | String | OPTIONAL |
caseYear | Filter for year or range of year. Format: YYYY or YYYY-YYYY (For ex. 2015 or 2010-2012) | String | OPTIONAL |
The API will respond with a JSON object containing the list of court cases that match the search criteria:
The response includes the following parameters:
Parameter | Description |
name | Name of the case |
party | Party involved in the case |
petitioner | Petitioner in the case |
matchType | Type of match |
score | Match score |
subject | Subject of the case |
pdfUrl | URL of the PDF document |
address | Address of the case |
rawAddress | Raw address of the case |
addressStreet | Street address of the case |
addressState | State of the case |
addressTaluka | Taluka of the case |
addressDistrict | District of the case |
addressPincode | Pincode of the case |
stateName | Name of the state |
districtCode | Code of the district |
stateCode | Code of the state |
districtName | Name of the district |
source | Source of the case information |
uniqueCaseId | Unique ID of the case |
caseNumber | Case number |
filingNo | Filing number |
caseCode | Code of the case |
registrationNumber | Registration number |
firNumber | FIR number associated with the case |
type | Type of the case |
caseType | Case type |
underAct | Act under which the case is filed |
underSections | Sections under which the case is filed |
natureOfDisposal | Nature of disposal of the case |
businessCategory | Business category associated with the case |
caseCategory | Category of the case |
date | Date of the case |
firYear | Year of the FIR |
firstHearingDate | Date of the first hearing of the case |
nextHearingDate | Date of the next hearing of the case |
decisionDate | Date of the decision on the case |
caseNumberYear | Year of the case number |
caseYear | Year of the case |
caseDecisionDate | Date of the case decision |
courtName | Name of the court |
courtCode | Code of the court |
nameCourtNumber | Court number |
judgeCourtNo | Judge's court number |
purposeOfHearing | Purpose of the hearing |
policeStation | Police station associated with the case |
caseStatus | Status of the case |
orderSummary | Summary of the court order |
riskProfile | Risk profile of the case |
cnr | Case registration number (CNR) |