Fetch Financial data by CIN realtime
The Fetch financial data by CIN real-time API is a comprehensive and invaluable resource for accessing detailed financial information and auditor details for companies in India.
With this API, you can input a CIN number, and in return receive an extensive array of financial data, including financial statements, balance sheets, Profit and loss details, and Auditor comments. Additionally, the API provides a list of auditors who have been associated with the specified company, along with their respective details, including contact information and their audit firm details.
Name | Value | Required | Description |
Content-Type | application/json | Mandatory | The type of content that the request body contains. |
Authorization | XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX | Mandatory | An authentication token to authorize the request. Reach out to the Signzy support team to get one created. |
Parameter | Data Type | Description | Required |
task | String | Specifies the type of task to be performed. It should be "fetchFiancialRealtime" for this task. | Mandatory |
essentials | Object | Contains the essential parameters for the task. | Mandatory |
essentials.cin | String | Corporate Identification Number. | Mandatory |
essentials.callbackUrl | String | The callback URL to which the response should be sent. | Optional |
Parameter | Type | Description |
essentials | Object | Contains essential parameters for the task. |
essentials.cin | String | Corporate Identification Number. |
essentials.callbackUrl | String | Callback URL for the response. |
id | String | Unique ID for the request. |
patronId | String | Your Patron ID is returned here. |
task | String | Specific task to be performed. |
result | Object | Contains the result of the task. |
result.companyData | Object | Contains the company details. |
result.companyData.auditors | Array of objects | List of auditors. |
result.companyData.auditors.year | String | The fiscal year for which the auditor is relevant. |
result.companyData.auditors.auditorName | String | Name of the auditor. |
result.companyData.auditors.auditorFirmName | String | Name of the auditor's firm. |
result.companyData.auditors.pan | String | PAN (Permanent Account Number) of the auditor. |
result.companyData.auditors.membershipNumber | String | Membership number of the auditor. |
result.companyData.auditors.firmRegistrationNumber | String | Registration number of the auditing firm. |
result.companyData.auditors.address | String | Address of the auditing firm. |
result.companyData.detailedFinancials | Array of objects | Detailed financials of the company. |
result.companyData.detailedFinancials.year | String | Fiscal year of the financial record. |
result.companyData.detailedFinancials.nature | String | Nature of the financial data. |
result.companyData.detailedFinancials.statedOn | String | Date on which the financial data was stated. In format DD/MM/YYYY. |
result.companyData.detailedFinancials.filingStandard | String | Filing standard used for the financial data. |
result.companyData.detailedFinancials.bs | Object | Balance sheet related data. |
result.companyData.detailedFinancials.bs.assets | Object | Details of assets in the balance sheet. |
result.companyData.detailedFinancials.bs.assets.producingProperties | String | Value of producing properties. |
result.companyData.detailedFinancials.bs.assets.cashAndBankBalances | String | Cash and bank balances. |
result.companyData.detailedFinancials.bs.assets.tangibleAssetsCapitalWorkInProgress | String | Tangible assets in the capital work-in-progress. |
result.companyData.detailedFinancials.bs.assets.shortTermLoansAndAdvances | String | Short-term loans and advances. |
result.companyData.detailedFinancials.bs.assets.currentInvestments | String | Current investments. |
result.companyData.detailedFinancials.bs.assets.foreignCurrMonetaryItemTransDiffAssetAccount | String | Foreign currency monetary item transaction difference in asset account. |
result.companyData.detailedFinancials.bs.assets.tradeReceivables | String | Trade receivables. |
result.companyData.detailedFinancials.bs.assets.tangibleAssets | String | Tangible assets. |
result.companyData.detailedFinancials.bs.assets.otherNoncurrentAssets | String | Other noncurrent assets. |
result.companyData.detailedFinancials.bs.assets.noncurrentInvestments | String | Noncurrent investments. |
result.companyData.detailedFinancials.bs.assets.intangibleAssets | String | Intangible assets. |
result.companyData.detailedFinancials.bs.assets.preproducingProperties | String | Value of preproducing properties. |
result.companyData.detailedFinancials.bs.assets.givenAssetsTotal | String | Total given assets. |
result.companyData.detailedFinancials.bs.assets.inventories | String | Inventories. |
result.companyData.detailedFinancials.bs.assets.otherCurrentAssets | String | Other current assets. |
result.companyData.detailedFinancials.bs.assets.intangibleAssetsUnderDevelopment | String | Intangible assets under development. |
result.companyData.detailedFinancials.bs.assets.deferredTaxAssetsNet | String | Net deferred tax assets. |
result.companyData.detailedFinancials.bs.assets.longTermLoansAndAdvances | String | Long-term loans and advances. |
result.companyData.detailedFinancials.bs.liabilities | Object | Details of liabilities in the balance sheet. |
result.companyData.detailedFinancials.bs.liabilities.givenLiabilitiesTotal | String | Total given liabilities. |
result.companyData.detailedFinancials.bs.liabilities.shareCapital | String | Share capital. |
result.companyData.detailedFinancials.bs.liabilities.moneyReceivedAgainstShareWarrants | String | Money received against share warrants. |
result.companyData.detailedFinancials.bs.liabilities.deferredTaxLiabilitiesNet | String | Net deferred tax liabilities. |
result.companyData.detailedFinancials.bs.liabilities.minorityInterest | String | Minority interest. |
result.companyData.detailedFinancials.bs.liabilities.shortTermProvisions | String | Short-term provisions. |
result.companyData.detailedFinancials.bs.liabilities.longTermBorrowings | String | Long-term borrowings. |
result.companyData.detailedFinancials.bs.liabilities.deferredGovernmentGrants | String | Deferred government grants. |
result.companyData.detailedFinancials.bs.liabilities.tradePayables | String | Trade payables. |
result.companyData.detailedFinancials.bs.liabilities.reservesAndSurplus | String | Reserves and surplus. |
result.companyData.detailedFinancials.bs.liabilities.otherLongTermLiabilities | String | Other long-term liabilities. |
result.companyData.detailedFinancials.bs.liabilities.otherCurrentLiabilities | String | Other current liabilities. |
result.companyData.detailedFinancials.bs.liabilities.foreignCurrMonetaryItemTransDiffLiabilityAccount | String | Foreign currency monetary item transaction difference in liability account. |
result.companyData.detailedFinancials.bs.liabilities.longTermProvisions | String | Long-term provisions. |
result.companyData.detailedFinancials.bs.liabilities.shortTermBorrowings | String | Short-term borrowings. |
result.companyData.detailedFinancials.bs.liabilities.shareApplicationMoneyPendingAllotment | String | Share application money pending allotment. |
result.companyData.detailedFinancials.bs.subTotals | Object | Subtotals for various categories in the balance sheet. |
result.companyData.detailedFinancials.bs.subTotals.totalCurrentLiabilities | String | Total current liabilities. |
result.companyData.detailedFinancials.bs.subTotals.totalCurrentAssets | String | Total current assets. |
result.companyData.detailedFinancials.bs.subTotals.capitalWip | String | Capital work-in-progress. |
result.companyData.detailedFinancials.bs.subTotals.totalEquity | String | Total equity. |
result.companyData.detailedFinancials.bs.subTotals.totalDebt | String | Total debt. |
result.companyData.detailedFinancials.bs.subTotals.netFixedAssets | String | Net fixed assets. |
result.companyData.detailedFinancials.bs.metadata | Object | Metadata for the balance sheet, including document references. |
result.companyData.detailedFinancials.bs.metadata.fileName | String | Name of the document file. |
result.companyData.detailedFinancials.bs.metadata.fileURL | String | URL to download the document file. |
result.companyData.detailedFinancials.pnl | Object | Profit and loss related data. |
result.companyData.detailedFinancials.pnl.lineItems | Object | Line items in the profit and loss statement. |
result.companyData.detailedFinancials.pnl.lineItems.netRevenue | String | Net revenue or sales. |
result.companyData.detailedFinancials.pnl.lineItems.totalCostOfMaterialsConsumed | String | Total cost of materials consumed. |
result.companyData.detailedFinancials.pnl.lineItems.totalPurchasesOfStockInTrade | String | Total purchases of stock in trade. |
result.companyData.detailedFinancials.pnl.lineItems.totalChangesInInventoriesOrFinishedGoods | String | Total changes in inventories or finished goods. |
result.companyData.detailedFinancials.pnl.lineItems.totalEmployeeBenefitExpense | String | Total employee benefit expense. |
result.companyData.detailedFinancials.pnl.lineItems.totalOtherExpenses | String | Total other expenses. |
result.companyData.detailedFinancials.pnl.lineItems.operatingProfit | String | Operating profit. |
result.companyData.detailedFinancials.pnl.lineItems.otherIncome | String | Other income. |
result.companyData.detailedFinancials.pnl.lineItems.depreciation | String | Depreciation expenses. |
result.companyData.detailedFinancials.pnl.lineItems.profitBeforeInterestAndTax | String | Profit before interest and tax. |
result.companyData.detailedFinancials.pnl.lineItems.interest | String | Interest expenses. |
result.companyData.detailedFinancials.pnl.lineItems.profitBeforeTaxAndExceptionalItemsBeforeTax | String | Profit before tax and exceptional items. |
result.companyData.detailedFinancials.pnl.lineItems.exceptionalItemsBeforeTax | String | Exceptional items before tax. |
result.companyData.detailedFinancials.pnl.lineItems.profitBeforeTax | String | Profit before tax. |
result.companyData.detailedFinancials.pnl.lineItems.incomeTax | String | Income tax expenses. |
result.companyData.detailedFinancials.pnl.lineItems.profitForPeriodFromContinuingOperations | String | Profit for the period from continuing operations. |
result.companyData.detailedFinancials.pnl.lineItems.profitFromDiscontinuingOperationAfterTax | String | Profit from discontinuing operation after tax. |
result.companyData.detailedFinancials.pnl.lineItems.minorityInterestAndProfitFromAssociatesAndJointVentures | String | Minority interest and profit from associates and joint ventures. |
result.companyData.detailedFinancials.pnl.lineItems.profitAfterTax | String | Profit after tax. |
result.companyData.detailedFinancials.pnl.subTotals | Object | Subtotals for various categories in the Profit and Loss statement. |
result.companyData.detailedFinancials.pnl.subTotals.totalOperatingCost | String | Total operating cost. |
result.companyData.detailedFinancials.pnl.revenueBreakup | Object | Breakup of revenue in the profit and loss statement. |
result.companyData.detailedFinancials.pnl.revenueBreakup.revenueFromOperations | String | Revenue from operations. |
result.companyData.detailedFinancials.pnl.revenueBreakup.revenueFromInterest | String | Revenue from interest. |
result.companyData.detailedFinancials.pnl.revenueBreakup.revenueFromOtherFinancialServices | String | Revenue from other financial services. |
result.companyData.detailedFinancials.pnl.revenueBreakup.revenueFromSaleOfProducts | String | Revenue from the sale of products. |
result.companyData.detailedFinancials.pnl.revenueBreakup.revenueFromSaleOfServices | String | Revenue from the sale of services. |
result.companyData.detailedFinancials.pnl.revenueBreakup.otherOperatingRevenues | String | Other operating revenues. |
result.companyData.detailedFinancials.pnl.revenueBreakup.exciseDuty | String | Excise duty collected. |
result.companyData.detailedFinancials.pnl.revenueBreakup.serviceTaxCollected | String | Service tax collected. |
result.companyData.detailedFinancials.pnl.revenueBreakup.otherDutiesTaxesCollected | String | Other duties and taxes collected. |
result.companyData.detailedFinancials.pnl.depreciationBreakup | Object | Breakup of depreciation in the profit and loss statement. |
result.companyData.detailedFinancials.pnl.depreciationBreakup.depreciation | String | Depreciation expenses. |
result.companyData.detailedFinancials.pnl.depreciationBreakup.amortisation | String | Amortization expenses. |
result.companyData.detailedFinancials.pnl.depreciationBreakup.depletion | String | Depletion expenses. |
result.companyData.detailedFinancials.pnl.metadata | Object | Metadata for the profit and loss statement, including document references. |
result.companyData.detailedFinancials.pnl.metadata.fileName | String | Name of the document file. |
result.companyData.detailedFinancials.pnl.metadata.fileURL | String | URL to download the document file. |
result.companyData.detailedFinancials.auditorComments | Object | Comments from auditors on the financials. |
result.companyData.detailedFinancials.auditorComments.reportHasAdverseRemarks | String | Indicator of whether the auditor's report has adverse remarks. |
result.companyData.detailedFinancials.auditorComments.disclosuresAuditorRepoaudort | Array of objects | Disclosures from the auditor's report. |
result.companyData.detailedFinancials.auditorComments.disclosuresAuditorRepoaudort.auditor | String | Information from the auditor in the report. |
result.companyData.detailedFinancials.auditorComments.disclosuresAuditorRepoaudort.footnote | String | Footnote provided by the auditor. |
result.companyData.detailedFinancials.auditorComments.disclosuresDirectorReport | String | Information from the director's report. |
detailedFinancials.auditorComments.disclosuresDirectorReport | String | Information from the director's report. |
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