Admin Portal

Callback Configuration


One program can communicate with another application asynchronously and loosely coupled through a callback URL. Callback URLs are POST API endpoints to a database, where JSON data can be pushed from Signzy’s system. Here, we can customize it under the Bank's supplied URL if we want to push the data of the entire onboarding process to the client's system, such as the Bank's MMS, DMS, etc.

Application Callback

After the completion of the onboarding journey, the status of the application has to be sent to the bank's/NBFC's server. There are multiple triggers(or events) when JSON data of the application can be pushed to the callback URL:

  • Pending: The data on the callback(configured) is posted when the application is pending from the GO platform.
  • Accept: The data on the callback(configured) is posted once the application has been accepted from the GO platform.
  • Reject: The data on the callback(configured) is posted once the application has been rejected from the GO platform.
  • Draft: The data on the callback(configured) is posted once the application has been drafted from the GO platform.
  • DropOff: The data on the callback (configured) is posted when the user is dropped off from the platform midway through the journey.

These can be configured separately by entering the details in the following fields:

  • URL: The callback URL for the specific status. (Bank-specified URL)
  • Authentication Key: The authentication key provided by the client(bank/NBFC) is entered here.
  • Authentication Value: The authentication value provided by the client(bank/NBFC) is entered here.
Application Callback
Application Callback

Drop off

Page Callback

If we want to send the data of the entire onboarding process- page-wise to the client's admin, such as the Bank's back-end server, we can customize it following the Bank's specified URL here.

These can be configured separately for each page in the journey by entering the details in the following fields:

  • URL: The callback URL for the specific status. (Bank-specified URL)
  • Authentication Key: The authentication key provided by the client(bank/NBFC) is entered here.
  • Authentication Value: The authentication value provided by the client(bank/NBFC) is entered here.
Page Callback
Page Callback



It can be configured if a mail is required in case a callback fails. This can be done by clicking on the 'Mail required' toggle. The email ID(s) on which the mail will be sent is entered(comma-separated list of email IDs or a single email ID).

Email Callback Configuration
Email Callback Configuration

Getting help

Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions, require clarification, or have ideas for how to make the documents or any of our services better.

You can reach out to us at [email protected].