Step 3 - Aadhaar eSign
It's a Aadhaar eSign Gateway
(Applicable in India only)
Aadhaar eSign is a digital signature service provided by the Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI) that allows individuals to digitally sign documents using their Aadhaar credentials. It enables a convenient and secure way to electronically sign various agreements, forms, and applications, eliminating the need for physical signatures. Aadhaar eSign leverages the biometric and demographic information stored in the Aadhaar database to authenticate the signer's identity, ensuring the integrity and authenticity of the digitally signed documents.
![Aadhaar eSign Flow Aadhaar eSign Flow](
Aadhaar eSign offers two methods of e-Sign: OTP-based and biometric-based.
OTP, which stands for One-Time Password, is a popular method used for e-Authentication in Aadhaar eSign. With OTP-based e-Authentication, individuals are required to provide their Aadhaar number and registered mobile number. A unique OTP is then sent to their registered mobile number. Once the OTP is verified, the e-signing process is successfully completed.
Biometric-based e-Authentication is another method utilized in Aadhaar eSign. This method involves the use of an individual's unique biological characteristics, such as fingerprints, face, or iris scans, to verify their identity. During the e-Authentication process, individuals' biometric data is captured using specialized devices. This data is then compared with the biometric information stored in the Aadhaar database. If the biometric data matches, the individual's identity is confirmed, and the e-Signing is considered successful.