One Touch Sign (OTS)

Additional Fraud Prevention Checks


Fraud prevention is crucial in electronic signing workflows to ensure the authenticity and integrity of digital documents. To enhance security measures, we have implemented additional fraud check mechanisms. They are:

IP Address

By recording the IP address of the signer, we can verify the geographic location and detect suspicious activities. This information helps identify potential fraudulent attempts and provides an extra layer of validation.

Unauthorized Aadhaar eSign Attempt

For Aadhaar e-Sign, if additional validations like name, gender, and year of birth match are chosen, and there is a mismatch with the provided contract details, we will provide you with necessary information to make a decision at your end. Furthermore, for the year of birth and gender matches to be considered, the name match threshold must be met.

There are 4 scenarios:

Name Match Validation

You can perform a validation by comparing the entered name with the name retrieved from Aadhaar using a name match score threshold. If the match score is below the threshold, the e-signing process will not be completed.

Name & Year of Birth Match Validation

In addition to validating the name match, you can also verify the year of birth. The year of birth match can be either exact or not a match. Therefore, if the name match score exceeds the threshold but the year of birth doesn't match, the e-signing process will not be completed.

Name & Gender Match Validation

You can also verify the gender in addition to validating the name match. The gender match can be either exact or not a match. Hence, if the name match score surpasses the threshold but the gender does not match, the e-signing process will not be completed.

Name, Gender & Year Of Birth Validation

In addition to validating the name match, you can also verify the gender and year of birth. The gender and year of birth matches can be exact or not a match. If the name match score exceeds the threshold but either the gender or year of birth, or both, do not match, the e-signing process will not be completed.