US TIN Verification
A Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) is a unique identification number used by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) in the administration of tax laws. While there are various types of TINs, all businesses will have some form of TIN, which will act as a unique identifier of a business entity.
The list of TIN types are the following:
- Social Security Number (SSN)
- Employer Identification Number (EIN)
- Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN)
- Taxpayer Identification Number for Pending U.S. Adoptions (ATIN)
- Preparer Taxpayer Identification Number (PTIN)
All valid business entities will have an EIN issued by the IRS. The Federal government requires a legal entity to have an EIN to pay employees and to file business tax returns. To be considered a Partnership, LLC, Corporation, S Corporation, Non-profit, etc., a business must obtain an EIN when incorporating. EINs do not expire. Once an EIN has been issued to an entity, it will not be reissued. As such, each EIN is unique to a business and persists over time.
Verifying the TIN of a business is a crucial part of business verification. Signzy will ascertain if a TIN is valid or not and that it matches the name passed to the API against IRS Database.
- Tax Filing and ReportingTINs are required on all tax documents. They are used to track an individual's or business's tax obligations and ensure proper tax compliance.
- Opening a Bank AccountBanks and financial institutions often require a TIN to open a bank account, particularly for business accounts.
- EmploymentEmployers use an individual’s SSN to report earnings to the IRS and state taxing authorities.
- Credit ApplicationsTINs are used when applying for credit. Credit bureaus use it to identify an individual’s credit records accurately.
- Government BenefitsSSNs are required to apply for government services and benefits, such as unemployment benefits or social security benefits.
Field | Type | Description | Required |
name | string | The name of the business to verify. | Yes |
tin | string | The Taxpayer Identification Number. | Yes |
Field | Type | Description |
responseCode | string | Contains code explaining what kind of match is received from IRS |
responseMessage | string | Contains message explaining the response code: 0 - TIN and Name combination matches our records. 1 - TIN was missing or TIN not 9-digit numeric. 2 - TIN entered is not currently issued as per IRS records. 3 - TIN and Name combination does not match IRS records. 4 - Invalid TIN Matching request. 5 - Duplicate TIN Matching request. 6 - TIN and Name combination matches IRS SSN records. 7 - TIN and Name combination matches IRS EIN records. 8 - TIN and Name combination matches both IRS SSN and EIN records. 10 - TIN and Name combination NOT found in our records. 90-99 - Connection/Query/Miscellaneous Error |
responseDesc | string | Contains basic description of whether valid response or not. |
Field | Type | Description |
name | string | Text displayed on the screen explaining error type. |
reason | string | Reason for the error. |
status | number | HTTP status code. |
message | string | Error message indicating an upstream error. |
type | string | Error type. |
statusCode | string | Status code representing the error scenario. |
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