EIN Verification(Basic Check)
EIN stands for Employer Identification Number. It is a unique nine-digit number assigned by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) to businesses, non-profits, and other entities for tax identification purposes in the United States.
An EIN is similar to a social security number for individuals. It is used by the IRS to identify businesses and organizations for tax reporting and filing requirements. The EIN is required for various activities, including opening a business bank account, hiring employees, filing tax returns, and conducting certain financial transactions.
To obtain an EIN, you need to apply with the IRS either online, by mail, or by fax. The application process is free, and you can obtain an EIN immediately when applying online. The IRS issues EINs to eligible entities, and once assigned, the number is unique to that specific organization and should be used for all tax-related purposes.
It's important to note that an EIN is specific to the United States, and other countries may have different systems for tax identification numbers.
The EIN Verification API is created to provide a reliable and efficient method for verifying the validity and accuracy of Employer Identification Numbers (EINs). This API aims to enable users to validate EINs against official records, ensuring that businesses and organizations are properly identified for tax-related purposes.
EIN Verification API is a valuable tool in various industries to improve data accuracy, reduce errors, enhance compliance, and mitigate risks associated with inaccurate or fraudulent EINs.
Some important business areas where the EIN Verification API is very helpful are:
Tax Filing and Reporting:
Individuals and businesses often use EINs when filing taxes or reporting income to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). An API for EIN validation can help ensure that the EINs provided in tax documents are valid, reducing errors and potential issues with tax filings.
Business Verification:
Banks, financial institutions, and other organizations may use EIN validation as part of their Know Your Customer (KYC) and due diligence processes to verify the legitimacy of businesses applying for loans, opening bank accounts, or engaging in financial transactions.
Vendor Onboarding:
Companies that engage with multiple vendors or suppliers can use EIN validation to verify the legal status and authenticity of businesses before onboarding them as vendors. This helps ensure the integrity of the supply chain.
Employee Background Checks:
Employers can use EIN validation when conducting background checks on potential employees to verify their previous employment history, including the accuracy of the EIN provided.
Contract Management:
In legal and contract management systems, an EIN validation API can be used to validate the EINs of business entities mentioned in contracts and agreements, reducing the risk of contract disputes.
E-commerce and Payment Processing:
E-commerce platforms and payment gateways can use EIN validation to verify the legitimacy of businesses or sellers using their services. This helps prevent fraudulent activities.
Government Services
Government agencies can use EIN validation in various services, such as business registrations, permits, licenses, and grant applications, to ensure that businesses meet specific criteria and are eligible for government programs.
Insurance companies can use EIN validation to verify the identity of policyholders and beneficiaries, ensuring that they meet the requirements for coverage.
Real Estate Transactions: In real estate transactions involving commercial properties, EIN validation can help confirm the ownership and legal status of the property owner.
Compliance and Reporting:
Companies subject to regulatory requirements often need to validate EINs to comply with industry-specific regulations. This is common in sectors such as healthcare and finance.
Data Enrichment:
EIN validation can be part of a data enrichment process where businesses enhance their customer or vendor databases with accurate and up-to-date information.
Fraud Prevention:
EIN validation can be a component of fraud prevention strategies, helping organizations detect and prevent identity theft and fraudulent activities.
You must first login before sending the request. The authorization header in the request must include the access token obtained from the login API call.
Need to pass the following information. Providing EIN is mandatory.
Parameter | Data Type | Required | Description |
ein | string | Yes | Required 9 digit numeric EIN(no alphabets and special characters allowed). |
Parameter | Data Type | Description |
ein | string | Searched EIN number. |
validationStatus | boolean | Whether EIN is correct or not. |
irsScore | string | Based on data gathered through the US Internal Revenue Service. Can span from A (100% match) to C (EIN is not in the IRS database). |
irsScoreExplanation | string | Explanation of IRS score. |
dbaScore | string | Provides the information if a company name is not the legal name for the business (DBA = Doing Business As). |
dbaScoreExplanation | string | Explanation of DBA score. |
confidenceScore | string | Indicates the best match, if multiple records are returned and spans from A (best match) to F (lowest scores). |
confidenceScoreExplanation | integer | Explanation of Confidence score. |
timestamp | string | Timestamp of response. |
Parameter | Description |
error | This parameter contains the error |
error.name | The error name. |
error.message | The error message. |
error.status | Status of the api |
error.reason | Reason for error |
error.type | Type of the error |
error.statusCode | Request Status code from Signzy |
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