EIN Lookup
EIN stands for Employer Identification Number. It is a unique nine-digit number assigned by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) to businesses, non-profits, and other entities for tax identification purposes in the United States.
An EIN is similar to a social security number for individuals. It is used by the IRS to identify businesses and organizations for tax reporting and filing requirements. The EIN is required for various activities, including opening a business bank account, hiring employees, filing tax returns, and conducting certain financial transactions.
To obtain an EIN, you need to apply with the IRS either online, by mail, or by fax. The application process is free, and you can obtain an EIN immediately when applying online. The IRS issues EINs to eligible entities, and once assigned, the number is unique to that specific organization and should be used for all tax-related purposes.
It's important to note that an EIN is specific to the United States, and other countries may have different systems for tax identification numbers.
The EIN Lookup by Legal Entity Name API is created to offer a reliable and efficient method for searching and retrieving the Employer Identification Number (EIN) associated with a specific legal entity name. This API aims to assist users in quickly and accurately identifying the EIN of a business or organization based on its legal entity name, eliminating the need for manual research and streamlining the process of obtaining important tax-related information.
By enabling seamless EIN lookup by legal entity name, this API facilitates improved efficiency and accuracy in business transactions and compliance processes.
The EIN Lookup API is a very valuable tool which contributes to improved accuracy, compliance, and efficiency across a wide range of industries and business processes.
Some important business areas where the EIN lookup API is very helpful are:
Tax Compliance and Reporting:
- Tax Filings:Individuals and businesses can use the API to ensure accurate tax filings by verifying the EIN associated with a specific legal entity name.
- Tax Preparation Software:Tax preparation software can integrate the API to assist users in automatically populating EINs when preparing tax returns.
Financial Transactions:
- Lending and Loans:Financial institutions can use the API to verify the EIN of businesses applying for loans, ensuring that the entity is legitimate and reducing the risk of fraud.
- Investment and Banking:Investment firms and banks can use the API to validate the identity of business clients and streamline account opening processes.
Vendor and Supplier Verification:
- Vendor Screening:Companies can quickly verify the EINs of potential vendors and suppliers when onboarding new business partners, improving supply chain management.
- Procurement:Procurement departments can use the API to verify vendor EINs to ensure compliance with company policies.
Legal and Compliance:
- Contract Management:Legal departments can utilize the API to confirm the EIN of contracting parties and ensure the accuracy of contract information.
- Regulatory Compliance:Organizations subject to regulatory requirements can use the API to validate EINs for compliance purposes.
Nonprofit and Grant Management:
- Grant Verification:Nonprofit organizations and grant administrators can verify the EINs of grant applicants to ensure eligibility and compliance with grant requirements.
- Donor Management:Nonprofits can use the API to validate the EINs of donors for tracking contributions and issuing tax receipts.
Insurance Industry:
- Policy Administration:Insurance companies can validate the EINs of policyholders and beneficiaries to ensure that policies are correctly issued and claims are processed accurately.
Legal and Investigative Services:
- Legal Research:Attorneys, investigators, and law enforcement agencies can use the API to gather information about businesses involved in legal cases or investigations.
Government Services:
- Business Licensing:Government agencies can incorporate the API into business registration and licensing processes to verify legal entity names and associated EINs.
- Tax Enforcement:Tax authorities can use the API to cross-reference legal entity names with registered EINs during tax audits and investigations.
Data Enrichment and Customer Relationship Management (CRM):
- CRM Systems:CRM platforms can enrich customer profiles with EIN data, helping businesses understand their corporate clients better.
- Lead Generation:Sales teams can use the API to identify potential corporate leads and prospects.
Real Estate Transactions:
- Real Estate Due Diligence:Real estate professionals can verify the EINs of property owners to ensure accurate property transactions.
You must first login before sending the request. The authorization header in the request must include the access token obtained from the login API call.
Need to pass the following information. Providing Employer's Legal Name(companyName) is mandatory. Rest other fields can be used by client to filter out the data more accurately.
- companyName(required)
- state(optional)
- zip(optional)
- tight(optional)
Clients must need to correctly pass the state value(if being passed in the input request).
If zip passed doesn't belong to the state passed in the input request, then results will be shown in context to the zip, not state. In other words, zip has higher priority .
Parameter | Data Type | Required | Description |
ein | string | Yes | Required 9 digit numeric EIN(no alphabets and special characters allowed). |
state | string | No | Optional state parameter to improve results(only 2 letter alphabet allowed e.g. CA). |
zip | string | No | Optional zip code parameter to improve results. Zip is preferred over state(Only eithert 5 digit numeric or 5 digit numeric, followed by -, followed by 4 digit numeric allowed). |
tight | boolean | No | Optional parameter to do tight matching. (Only the best match will be returned rather then all of the matches)(“true” or “false”). |
Parameter | Data Type | Description |
searchCompanyName | string | Company name in the input. |
searchState | string | State in the input(Null if not provided). |
searchZip | string | Zip in the input(Null if not provided). |
searchTight | boolean | Tight parameter in the input(“true” or “false”). (false by default). |
matchedEinCompanies | Array of Objects | Array of matched EIN companies. |
timestamp | number | Timestamp of response. |
Name | Type | Description |
name | string | Name of the company. |
ein | string | EIN of company. |
irsScore | string | Based on data gathered through the US Internal Revenue Service. Can span from A (100% match) to C (EIN is not in the IRS database). |
irsScoreExplanation | string | Explanation of IRS score. |
dbaScore | string | Provides the information if a company name is not the legal name for the business (DBA = Doing Business As). |
dbaScoreExplanation | string | Explanation of DBA score. |
companyScore | number | Indicates the percentage of times the respective company name is associated with the provided EIN. |
companyScoreExplnation | string | Explanation of company score. |
providedStatus | string | Based on a check against the USPS National Change of Address (NCOA) database, indicates if the provided address has been verified and can be used for mailing. Can span from A (verified and NCOA Plus 4) to F (bad address and should not be mailed to). |
providedstatusExplanation | string | Explanation of provided status. |
confidenceScore | number | Indicates the best match, if multiple records are returned and spans from A (best match) to F (lowest scores). |
confidenceScoreExplanation | string | Explanation of confidenceScore |
address[] | Array of strings | Unformatted address. |
formattedAddress | Object | Formatted Address. |
Parameter | Data Type | Description |
documentCategoryMatch | string | Street associated with address. |
zip | string | Zip code associated with address. |
state | string | State associated with address. |
city | string | City associated with address. |
countryCode | string | Country code associated with address. |
Parameter | Description |
error | This parameter contains the error. |
error.name | the error name. |
error.message | the error message. |
error.status | Status of the api |
error.reason | Reason for error |
error.type | Type of the error |
error.statusCode | Request Status code from Signzy |
Getting help
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