EIN Lookup
The EIN Lookup API facilitates the retrieval of detailed company information through searches by EIN (Employer Identification Number) or business name. This service is designed to provide a quick and accurate verification of company identities and their corresponding tax information as registered in the IRS database.
EIN stands for Employer Identification Number. It is a unique nine-digit number assigned by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) to businesses, non-profits, and other entities for tax identification purposes in the United States. An EIN is similar to a social security number for individuals. It is used by the IRS to identify businesses and organizations for tax reporting and filing requirements. The EIN is required for various activities, including opening a business bank account, hiring employees, filing tax returns, and conducting certain financial transactions. The EIN Lookup API provides a robust mechanism for getting information related to companies against company names and other EINs. It is designed to facilitate the confirmation of company identities for financial, legal, and compliance purposes.
- Financial Compliance: Utilized by financial institutions to verify company details during account openings or loan processing.
- Business Verification: Employed by companies to ensure the authenticity of business partners or vendors before engaging in contracts and agreements.
- Regulatory Compliance: Used by compliance officers to validate and ensure that businesses meet regulatory requirements for taxation and business operations.
Parameter | Type | Description | Required |
searchMethod | String | Method of search, either einNumber or name. | Yes |
searchValue | String | The EIN or business name to search. | Yes |
stateCode | String | State code where the business is registered. | optional |
zip | String | Zip code of the business location. | optional |
strictSearch | String | Whether to enforce a strict search matching the exact details. | optional |
Field | Type | Description |
result | Object | Container for all the API response details. |
searchMethod | String | Method used for searching the EIN details. |
searchValue | String | EIN or business name used in the search query. |
einSearchOptions | Object | Options used in the EIN search query including state code, zip, and strict search settings. |
stateCode | String | State code where the business is registered. |
zip | String | Zip code of the business location. |
strictSearch | Boolean | Whether the search was performed with strict criteria. |
searchResults | Array | List of results matching the search criteria. Each item in the array is detailed below. |
name | String | Name of the business entity found. |
ein | String | Employer Identification Number of the business. |
irsScore | String | Score indicating the IRS match quality. |
irsScoreExplanation | String | Explanation of the IRS score. |
dbaScore | String | Score indicating if the business name is a DBA. |
dbaScoreExplanation | String | Explanation of the DBA score. |
companyScore | Integer | Numerical score representing the frequency of record appearance under the EIN. |
companyScoreExplanation | String | Explanation of the company score. |
providedStatus | String | Status provided after verifying the business address. |
providedStatusExplanation | String | Explanation of the provided status. |
confidenceScore | String | Overall confidence score of the record. |
confidenceScoreExplanation | String | Explanation behind the confidence score. |
address | Array | Address details as a simple list (not structured). |
formattedAddress | Object | Structured address details. |
street | String | Street part of the address. |
zip | String | Postal zip code part of the address. |
state | String | State part of the address. |
city | String | City part of the address. |
country | String | Country part of the address. |
source | Object | Data source information. |
name | String | Name of the source (e.g., "EIN Finder"). |
info | String | Additional information about the source, if any. |
primary | Boolean | Indicates if this is the primary source of data. |
Parameter | Description |
error | This parameter contains the error. |
error.name | the error name. |
error.message | the error message. |
error.status | Status of the api |
error.reason | Reason for error |
error.type | Type of the error |
error.statusCode | Request Status code from Signzy |

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