Admin Portal

Internal Dedupe


The Internal Dedupe feature is designed to efficiently determine if the application already exists within the system. Dedupes can also assist Relationship Managers in evaluating the quality of the application or the applicant's record. A positive outcome can significantly expedite the onboarding process by automatically prefilling the application with preexisting data.

There can be scenarios where an internal dedupe can be used.

  1. If there is an existing application for a new merchant being created. The RM or the applicant can use the data to prefill the application and save a lot of effort.
  2. If the dedupe is positive, RM can be suggested whether to proceed or not, depending on the checker’s comment on the previous application.
  3. If the dedupe is positive then it can be brought to RM’s notice that an application of the same applicant exists in the system.

Configuring Dedupe in Admin

The option to enable dedupe can be provided under the 'Setting' tab within the 'Backops' screen. We can enable the dedupe option for the flow existing in the GO Admin.

The dedupe can be triggered at three places, i.e., the create merchantο»Ώ page, the first page of the journey, or a textboxο»Ώ(if configured for dedupe check) on any page in the journey.

Internal Dedupe configuration
Internal Dedupe configuration

Internal dedupe for a flow can be configured using the following options:

  • Prevent dedupe check on submission of first page: This is the toggle which when enabled prevents dedupe check on submission of the first page. If this toggle is enabled then the dedupe can be triggered from either the create merchant page or from a textbox on any page.

The 'Trigger Internal Dedupe' toggle needs to be enabled on a textbox element to trigger the dedupe on a textbox on any pageο»Ώ of the journey. (The dedupe will be triggered from any page where the textbox is present, but the dedupe parameter will be taken from the first page of the journey. Also, when a dedupe is triggered from a textbox, the pages succeeding that page will have all the data prefilled in case of a positive dedupe. The preceding pages will not be prefilled but will be available for review.)

Textbox configuration for Internal Dedupe
Textbox configuration for Internal Dedupe

Select dedupe parameters

  • Name of the merchant/applicant and mobile number: The name of the merchant as well as their mobile number can be selected as a dedupe parameter to check for a positive or negative dedupe. If the above toggle buttonο»Ώ is enabled, selecting this option as a dedupe parameter will trigger the dedupe on the create merchant page of the journey.
  • Mobile number: Only the mobile number of the merchant/applicant can also be taken as a dedupe parameter. Selecting this option as a dedupe parameter will trigger the dedupe on the create merchant page of the journey.
  • Other variable - (only from the first page): Variables present on the first page can also be selected from a drop-down for checking dedupe. If the above toggle button(Prevent dedupe check on submission of first page) is enabled, selecting this option as a dedupe parameter will trigger the dedupe on the textbox on any page of the journey.

In Case of Positive Dedupe

Allow users to (Select at least one)

  • Prefill Applications: Select the 'Prefill Applications' checkboxο»Ώ If an applicant has begun the journey of some product, then when they apply for some other product of the same organization, they get an option to prefill the fields/pages that are common in the two journeys when the dedupe is triggered.
    • Prevent Subflow Prefilling: Enabling this toggle will prevent prefilling of a subflowο»Ώ that exists in the main flow even in the case of positive dedupe.
    • Select Variable To Filter Applications: Select the variable from the journey based on which applications will be filtered. Ex: product code can be a variable/field against which applications will be filtered. For now, if you don’t have any such field then you can pass a hardcoded default value which will be for each applicant. (You can hide it from the user and backops)
  • Resume Applications: If an applicant has begun the journey of some product and has dropped mid-journey, then when they apply for some other product of the same organization, they get an option to resume the journey for the previous product that they dropped off when the dedupe is triggered.

Information shown in case of positive dedupe

We can also select the information that will be visible in case of a positive dedupe by checking these checkboxes.

  • Application Number
  • Name
  • Status
  • Reason
  • Date of last update of Application

Getting help

Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions, require clarification, or have ideas for how to make the documents or any of our services better.

You can reach out to us at [email protected].
