Forms V2
File Upload V2
The user has the option to configure validations and upload any kind of document in the file format using this element.
Element Details of File Upload V2
- Variable Name: The variable that is used to identify the element is entered here.
- Upload text: It will be displayed on our element just like a label.
- Post Upload Text:
- Error Upload Text: This text will be displayed when the uploaded file type is not valid.
- Hint Text: This is used so that the user can better understand what the element is used for.
- Allowed file types: It is a library of file formats where we can select the kinds of files that are acceptable for upload(.jpeg, .jpg, .png, .pdf, .tif, .tiff, .bmp, .heif, .doc, .docx, .xls, .xlsx, .xml, .zip, .htm, .html, .eml, .emlx, .msg)
- Max file size: The maximum file size that can be uploaded is set using this option.
- Single Upload: Only one file can be uploaded in a single element.
- Multiple Upload: Multiple files can be uploaded in a single element.
- None: This field is used when we don't want to check for forgery.
- Basic Forgery Check:
- This field is used to check for forgeries, and it allows us to customize the message so that the user will see if one is found.
- We can also enable the 'User can only proceed if no forgery is found' by checking the checkbox.
- Image type: We can select which document to verify for forgery from here.
- Advanced Forgery Check:
- We can configure a message to display to the user if forgery is discovered.
- We can also enable the 'User can only proceed if no forgery is found' by checking the box for it.
- None: This field disables foreign documents upload.
- Classify the document uploaded in this element: This field allows uploading foreign documents
- Force re-upload in case of incorrect document: This field is used to enable re-uploading by the user in the event of an incorrect document upload.
- Expected country: We can choose the country to which the document has to be uploaded.
- Expected Documents: We can select the type of documents we are allowed to upload from the library.
Element Details of File Upload V2
- None: This field doesn't make any changes in document uploads.
- Classify the document uploaded in this element: For the purpose of validating uploaded Indian documents, this field is required.
- Prefill Page: The page from the flow that we want to pull the prefill data from can be chosen.
- Prefill Variable: The prefill variable can be chosen from the prefill page using this drop-down.
- Required: To enable whether to make the variable required or not.
- Non-Editable: To enable whether to make the field input value non-editable or not.
- Crop: This field gives the option to the user to crop documents before uploading.
- Hide this field from the user: This toggle is given to enable the option to hide the selected field of the element from the user’s view.
- Allow Multiple Page Pdfs: This toggle allows the user to upload multiple pages of pdf.
- Enable Image Watermark: This toggle allows the image watermark to be visible to the backops user which typically shows the date and time with is in regulation with RBI.
- Check image quality: This toggle checks the quality of uploaded documents.
- Only Camera upload(Applicable for Mobile Browsers and App): It is applicable for the RM to upload the image of the document live using both mobile browsers and apps.
- Redaction Page: It allows uploading a redacted page pdf or documents.
Options that appear on enabling the Redaction Page toggle
- Review Page Header: This field text will be displayed on the header of the pop-up for reviewing uploaded documents.
- Review Page Description: This field text will be displayed below the header and it will give information about the review process.
- Review Page Yes Button Description: We can configure the text for our yes button to allow users to edit the uploaded document.
- Review Page No Button Description: We can configure the text for our no button to not allow the user to edit the uploaded document.
- Redaction Page Header: This field text will be displayed on the header of the pop-up for choosing the editing option for redaction on uploaded documents.
- Redaction Page Description: This field text will be displayed below the header and it will give information about the Redaction process.
- Confirmation Page header: This field text will be displayed on the header of the pop-up to give confirmation and review of the edited document.
- Confirmation Page description: This field text will be displayed below the confirmation page header and it will give information about the further process.
- Confirmation Page Yes Button Description: We can configure the text for our 'Yes' button to allow users to confirm the changes in the uploaded document.
- Confirmation Page No Button Description: We can configure the text for our 'No' button to allow users to edit the uploaded document.
Getting help
Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions, require clarification, or have ideas for how to make the documents or any of our services better.
You can reach out to us at [email protected].