Operations Portal

Application Queue


In the Application Queue we can see the following:

  • Applications received that day.
  • Number of applications in the queue.
  • Applications assigned to the users.
  • The number of unassigned applications.

All the applications with their necessary details can be viewed in this section. An application can be easily searched using the application ID or applicant's name. The applications can also be sorted and filtered (by branch, application timestamp, application type, assignment status, and assigned user) for easy navigation. Application(s) can also be assigned/reassigned in this section.

Application Queue
Application Queue

Filters applied to the screen can also be saved so that back office user(s) can easily navigate and quickly access the applications using the saved filters. (maximum 5 filters can be saved and managed).

Saving a New Filter

  1. Apply the required filter(s).
  2. Click on the 'Save View as Filter' option beside the 'Filter View' dropdown.
  3. Enter a name for the filter that is to be saved.
  4. Click on the 'Save Filter' button.

This filter can then be used whenever required by selecting the saved filter from the 'Filter View' dropdown.

Saving a filter
Saving a filter

Deleting/Renaming a Filter

  1. Click on the 'Filter View' dropdown.
  2. Select the 'Manage Filters' option.
  3. Here the saved filter(s) can be renamed/deleted.
  4. Click on 'Delete' for the filter that has to be deleted.
  5. Click on the ✅ symbol.
  6. If the filter has to be renamed, click on 'Rename'.
  7. Enter the new name.
  8. Click on the ✅ symbol.
Renaming/deleting a filter
Renaming/deleting a filter

Updated 09 Sep 2024
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