Investor Results Fetch by ID
After successful onboarding, we can fetch the details of a particular investor using by id which is created by a particular customer. Keep a time gap of 2-3 minutes before pulling the investor's data.
For sending requests the hostname and protocol will be the same as given inĀ Authenticationļ»æ section.
Send a post request to:Ā /api/pullmerchantsĀ with the data below.
Property | Value |
Content-type | application/json |
Authorization | Authorization header as per the login request |
The below table describes all the properties available in the request body:
Property | Accepted Values/Format | Description |
customerId | String | customerId of that customer |
merchantId | String | merchantId of the investor |
extraFields | Array(optional) | ExtraFields required to be appended in response (Possible values: 'CAMS') |
The below table describes the properties that are returned in the request:
Parameters | Accepted Values/Format | Description |
merchantId | String | Investor Onboarding corresponding merchant id |
customerId | String | Investor Onboarding corresponding customer id |
String | Email Id of the merchant taken during the sign up | |
phone | String | Phone number of the merchant taken during the sign up |
name | String | Name of the Merchant taken during the sign up |
reason | String | Reason due to which the application got rejected |
rejectionClassification | String | Criteria, due to which the application got rejected |
addressType | String | This will have value when a particular ID card is an address proof(Permanent/Correspondence/Related Person address) |
username | String | Username of the Merchant taken during the sign up |
status | String | Status of application (new/accepted/rejected/draft) |
idCard | <> Object | Data from various id card (pan, dl, voterid, aadhaar, passport) |
addressType | String | Address Type on the Id card (Correspondence Address/Permanent Address) |
type | String | type of id card (pan, dl, voterid, aadhaar, passport) |
images | String | URL of the image present in id card |
idNo | String | idNo present in the id card |
name | String | name present in the id card |
dob | String | dob present in the id card |
address | String | address present in the id card |
state | String | state name present on the id card |
issueDate | String | issue date present in the id card |
purpose | String | purpose present in the id card |
verificationStatus | <> Object | verificationStatus in the id card (verified/message) |
faceExtraction | <> Object | Face Extracted from id card |
documents | <> Object | Data from various documents(cheques) |
type | String | Type of Document for bank account verification(cheque) |
beneficiaryMobile | String | Mobile number of Beneficiary account holder |
beneficiaryAccount | String | Account number of Beneficiary account holder |
beneficiaryName | String | Name of Beneficiary account holder |
beneficiaryIFSC | String | IFSC number of Beneficiary account |
bankName | String | Bank name of the Beneficiary account |
branchName | String | branch Name of the Beneficiary account |
bankTransferOutput | <> Object | result of money transfer to the bank account |
active | String | whether the bank account is active or not(yes/no) |
nameMatch | String | whether the name in the document matches or not(yes/no) |
mobileMatch | String | whether the mobile number in the document matches or not(yes/no) |
signzyReferenceId | String | Signzy Reference Id for bank account verification |
auditTrail | <> Object | auditTrail of bank account transfer |
verifyAmountOutput | <> Object | result of the amount transferred to the bank account |
amountMatch | String | whether the amount matches or not for bank Account Verification(yes/no) |
owerName | String | name of the owner of the bank account |
mobile | String | mobile no of the account holder |
contract | <> Object | Contract Signed by the investor |
signedContract | String | URL of the uploaded Contract Signed by the investor |
info | <> Object | Information of the investor |
name | String | Name of the investor |
dob | String | dob of the investor |
emailId | String | emailId of the investor |
communicationAddress | String | communicationAddress of the investor |
residentialStatus | String | residentialStatus of the investor |
citizenshipCountryCode | String | citizenshipCountryCode of the investor |
citizenshipCountry | String | citizenshipCountry of the investor |
permanentAddress | String | permanentAddress of the investor |
overalStatus | String | overalStatus in verification results of id card(Safe/ Risky/ Uncertain) |
bankAccount | String | bank-account Status in verification results of id card(Safe/ Risky/ Uncertain) |
amlStatus | String | amlStatus in verification results of id card(Safe/ Risky/ Uncertain) |
status | String | Status for various id card(Safe/ Risky/ Uncertain) |
type | String | Type of id card(pan, dl, voterid, aadhaar, passport) |
purpose | String | purpose present in the id card |
number | String | id number of the id card |
url | String | URL of video |
matchImage | String | image URL to be matched to the video |
signzyVerifiableString | String | Random string that is shown to read for video verification |
matchAudioScore | String | Percentage of match |
exif | <> Object | metadata for video verification |
forensics | <> Object | forensics data for video verification |
fatca | <> Object | fatca declaration by the investor |
pep | String | Investor is a politically exposed person or not |
rpep | String | Investor is related to a politically exposed person or not |
residentForTaxInIndia | String | Residence for TAX purposes in jurisdiction(s) outside India? |
addressCity | String | City name of the jurisdiction and this field is present when the application is a non-resident Indian for TAX purposes |
addressDistrict | String | District name of the jurisdiction and this field is present when application is a non-resident Indian for TAX purposes |
addressState | String | State name of the jurisdiction and this field is present when application is a non-resident Indian for TAX purposes |
addressStateCode | String | State Code of the jurisdiction and this field is present when application is a non-resident Indian for TAX purposes |
addressCountry | String | Country name of the jurisdiction and this field is present when application is a non-resident Indian for TAX purposes |
addressCountryCode | String | Country Code of the jurisdiction and this field is present when application is a non-resident Indian for TAX purposes |
addressPincode | String | Pincode of the jurisdiction and this field is present when application is a non-resident Indian for TAX purposes |
address | String | address of the jurisdiction and this field is present when application is a non-resident Indian for TAX purposes |
countryCodeJurisdictionResidence | String | country Code Jurisdiction Residence of the jurisdiction and this field is present when application is a non-resident indian for TAX purposes |
countryJurisdictionResidence | String | country Jurisdiction Residence of the jurisdiction and this field is present when application is a non-resident Indian for TAX purposes |
taxIdentificationNumber | String | tax Identification Number of the jurisdiction and this field is present when application is a non-resident Indian for TAX purposes |
placeOfBirth | String | place Of Birth of the jurisdiction and this field is present when application is a non-resident Indian for TAX purposes |
countryCodeOfBirth | String | country Code Of Birth of the jurisdiction and this field is present when application is a non-resident Indian for TAX purposes |
countryOfBirth | String | country Of Birth of the jurisdiction and this field is present when application is a non-resident Indian for TAX purposes |
signatureImageUrl | String | URL of investor signature image |
formData | <> Object | form data block |
gender | String | KYC Holder's Gender Type |
maritalStatus | String | KYC Holder's Marital Status |
nomineeRelationShip | String | Relationship with KYC holder: F (Father) & S (Spouse) |
nomineeTitle | String | Title for Father/Spouse |
maidenTitle | String | Title for Maiden. This field is mandatory if the Gender is Female. |
maidenName | String | Name for Maiden. This field is mandatory if the Gender is Female. |
panNumber | String | Pan number of KYC holder |
aadhaarNumber | String | Aadhaar number of KYC held |
motherTitle | String | Title for Mother |
occupationDescription | String | Occupation Type of KYC Holder |
occupationCode | String | Occupation Code of KYC Holder |
kycAccountCode | String | KYC Account code of the KYC Holder |
kycAccountDescription | String | KYC Account type of the KYC Holder |
communicationAddressCode | String | Address code of the KYC holder |
communicationAddressType | String | Address type of the KYC holder |
nomineeName | String | KYC Holder's Father/Spouse Name |
motherName | String | KYC Holder's Mother's Name |
countryCode | String | Country code of the permanent address |
mobileNumber | String | Mobile number of the KYC Holder |
emailId | String | Email ID of the KYC holder |
pincode | String | PINCODE of the Communication/Permanent Address |
communicationAddress | String | Address of the KYC holder |
formFilledData | <> Object | The form filled Data object can be used to collect data supplied by the user before the verification engine is called. |
merchantCamsJson | <> Object | Investors' data parsed in CAMS JSON |
To know the explanation of all the fields present in merchantCamsJson (Data of the Merchant parsed in the format required by CAMS), please refer to this linkĀ Click hereļ»æ
Getting help
Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions, require clarification, or have ideas for how to make the documents or any of our services better.
You can reach out to us at [email protected].