Fetch Merchant Report
This API is used to fetch the merchant report for the submitted requst in the submit merchatn URL api.
You will need to log in before sending the request. You are required to pass the access token received from the login call, as the authorization header in the request.
Need to pass follow information: 1. requestId
requestId | Required | requestId that was generated in the Submit Merchant URL api |
merchantUrl | Input Url of the merchant |
requestId | Unique request ID generated |
merchantCode | Input merchant MCC code |
callbackUrl | Input callback url |
status | status of the API |
_id | Unique Mongo ID |
domainAnalysisReport | Object containing complete domain analysis report |
domainAnalysisReport.domainOwnership | Domain Ownership details |
domainAnalysisReport.domainIpAddresses | Domain IP addresses |
domainAnalysisReport.domainReport | Object containing the domain analysis report |
domainAnalysisReport.domainReport.openPorts | Open ports of the domain |
domainAnalysisReport.domainReport.protocols | Protocols of the domain |
domainAnalysisReport.domainReport.ciphers | Ciphers of the domain |
domainAnalysisReport.subDomains | All the subdomains of the website |
domainAnalysisReport.subDomainAnalysis | Array of objects containing the analysis of each subdomain |
domainAnalysisReport.subDomainAnalysis.domain | Subdomain name |
domainAnalysisReport.subDomainAnalysis.ipaddresses | subdomain ip addresses |
domainAnalysisReport.subDomainAnalysis.openPorts | subdomaon open ports |
domainAnalysisReport.subDomainAnalysis.protocols | subdomain protocols |
domainAnalysisReport.subDomainAnalysis.ciphers | subdomain ciphers |
domainAnalysisReport.vulnerabilities | Object containing the vulnerabilities of the merchant based on domain analysis |
domainAnalysisReport.vulnerabilities.weakCiphers | Weak Ciphers of the merchant |
domainAnalysisReport.vulnerabilities.weakProtocols | Weak protocols of the merchant |
domainAnalysisStatus | Status of the domain analysis |
externalLinks | List of all the external links |
internalLinks | List of all the internal links |
policyLinks | Object containing the list of different policies. eg: privacy policy, refund policy |
socialMediaLinks | Social media links of the merchant |
companyData | Object containing the details of the merchant |
highRiskMccCodes | List of the high risk mcc codes identified for the merchant |
mccCodes | List of the mcc codes for this merchant |
piiData | List of the data being collected by the merchant |
pdfLink | Pdf link of the report of the merchant |
status | The request is still processing, please try again in some time. |