
How to use the Input Data Processing Feature?


This Input Data Processing feature is given to select whether the data entered should have a data formatting option or not such as concatenateString, calculateAge, differenceBetweenDates, trimSpacesString, uppercaseString, lowercaseString, differenceBetweenDatesInDays, differenceBetweenDatesInMonths, and sorted array variable.

In this document how the input data processing feature is used, is explained using an example.

Default Template

Creating a Page

  1. Go to the 'Forms V2' widget under the 'Pages' tab.
  2. Add/edit text box(es) by entering the Variable Name, Label Text, and Placeholder Text. Here, we are using one Textbox for entering the first name and another one for the last name of the merchant. Click on 'Add'
  3. Click on 'Create Screen'.
  4. Now, edit this created page.
  5. Add another Textbox and set its Variable Name, Label Text, and Placeholder Text. Here, we are using this Textbox for prefilling the full name of the merchant using the details entered in the previous two textboxes.
  6. In the Prefill Page option select the name of the current page, 'Input Data Processing' (name of the page from which the details will be prefilled) and in the Prefill Variable option select the variable names of the previous two text boxes(names of the variables from which details will be prefilled).
  7. Enable the 'Has Input Data Processing' toggle button.
  8. On enabling this toggle two more options appear,
    • In the 'Choose Function/Template' dropdown select the function/template from the existing library, here, we have selected 'concatenetString'.
    • In the 'Sorted Variable Array' the page IDs and variable names that are selected for prefilling will be visible.
  9. Click on 'Add'.
  10. Click on 'Create Screen'.

Creating the Flow

After creating the page, a flow will be created in the following way:

  1. Go to the 'Flows' tab.
  2. Click on 'Add New' and select 'Flow'.
  3. Enter the 'Flow Name'.
  4. Add the required pages to the flow by clicking on them. Here, we are only adding the page that we have created, 'Input Data Processing'.
  5. Click on 'Create'.

Rule Engine

After creating the flow, rules will be set for the flow using Rule Engine.

  1. Go to the 'Rule Engine' tab.
  2. Select the flow from the dropdown.
  3. Add conditions for the pages in the flow. (refer to the document on Rule Engine). Here, we have no conditions.
  4. Click on 'Save and Proceed'.
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Custom Template

Creating a Page

  1. Go to the 'Forms V2' widget under the 'Pages' tab.
  2. Add/edit text box(es) by entering the Variable Name, Label Text, and Placeholder Text. Here, we are using one Textbox for entering the first name, one for the last name of the merchant, and another one for the full name.
  3. Enable the 'Has Input Data Processing' toggle button in the Textbox for 'full name'.
  4. On enabling this toggle two more options appear, in the 'Choose Function/Template' dropdown select 'Template'.
  5. After selecting 'Template', click on 'Open Code Editor' and enter JSON which follows the format that is given below.
  6. Click on 'Add'.
  7. Click on 'Create Screen'.

Creating the Flow

After creating the page, a flow will be created in the following way:

  1. Go to the 'Flows' tab.
  2. Click on 'Add New' and select 'Flow'.
  3. Enter the 'Flow Name'.
  4. Add the required pages to the flow by clicking on them. Here, we are only adding the page that we have created, 'Input Data Processing'.
  5. Click on 'Create'.

Rule Engine

After creating the flow, rules will be set for the flow using Rule Engine.

  1. Go to the 'Rule Engine' tab.
  2. Select the flow from the dropdown.
  3. Add conditions for the pages in the flow. (refer to the document on Rule Engine). Here, we have no conditions.
  4. Click on 'Save and Proceed'.
Document image

Getting help

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You can reach out to us at [email protected].