Fetch FI Data
This is the final step in the Account Aggregator journey. The FI fetch API lets the FIU pull the financial information for which the consent was taken. This API can be further used
Need to pass on the following information:
- request ID
requestId | Required | Unique requestID received in FI request API | String |
Parameter Name | Data Type | Description |
requestId | String | Unique identifier for the request. |
state | Object | Contains the status of the request. |
state.state | String | Overall state of the request (e.g., SUCCESS). |
state.consentStatus | String | Status of consent (e.g., ACTIVE). |
state.dataFetchStatus | String | Status of data fetch operation (e.g., SUCCESS). |
data | Array of Objects | List of financial information data. |
data[].type | String | Type of financial information (e.g., deposit). |
data[].fidata | Array of Objects | List of financial institution data. |
data[].fidata[].profile | Object | Contains profile information of the account holder. |
data[].fidata[].profile.holders | Object | Information about account holders. |
data[].fidata[].profile.holders.holder | Object | Details of a single holder. |
data[].fidata[].profile.holders.holder.name | String | Name of the account holder. |
data[].fidata[].profile.holders.holder.dob | String (Date) | Date of birth of the account holder. |
data[].fidata[].profile.holders.holder.mobile | String | Mobile number of the account holder. |
data[].fidata[].profile.holders.holder.nominee | String | Nominee status (e.g., REGISTERED). |
data[].fidata[].profile.holders.holder.landline | String | Landline number of the account holder. |
data[].fidata[].profile.holders.holder.address | String | Address of the account holder. |
data[].fidata[].profile.holders.holder.email | String | Email of the account holder. |
data[].fidata[].profile.holders.holder.pan | String | PAN (Permanent Account Number) of the account holder. |
data[].fidata[].profile.holders.holder.ckycCompliance | Boolean | CKYC compliance status. |
data[].fidata[].profile.holders.type | String | Type of account holding (e.g., SINGLE). |
data[].fidata[].summary | Object | Summary of the account. |
data[].fidata[].summary.pending | Object | Pending transaction details. |
data[].fidata[].summary.pending.transactionType | String | Type of the pending transaction (e.g., DEBIT). |
data[].fidata[].summary.pending.amount | Number | Amount of the pending transaction. |
data[].fidata[].summary.currentBalance | String | Current balance in the account. |
data[].fidata[].summary.currency | String | Currency type of the account balance. |
data[].fidata[].summary.exchgeRate | String | Exchange rate, if applicable. |
data[].fidata[].summary.balanceDateTime | String (DateTime) | Date and time of the balance. |
data[].fidata[].summary.type | String | Type of account (e.g., SAVINGS). |
data[].fidata[].summary.branch | String | Branch name of the bank. |
data[].fidata[].summary.facility | String | Type of facility (e.g., OD - Overdraft). |
data[].fidata[].summary.ifscCode | String | IFSC code of the branch. |
data[].fidata[].summary.micrCode | String | MICR code of the branch. |
data[].fidata[].summary.openingDate | String (Date) | Date when the account was opened. |
data[].fidata[].summary.currentODLimit | String | Current overdraft limit. |
data[].fidata[].summary.drawingLimit | String | Drawing limit of the account. |
data[].fidata[].summary.status | String | Status of the account (e.g., ACTIVE). |
data[].fidata[].transactions | Object | Details of transactions. |
data[].fidata[].transactions.transaction | Array of Objects | List of transactions. |
data[].fidata[].transactions.transaction[].reference | String | Reference number of the transaction. |
data[].fidata[].transactions.transaction[].txnId | String | Transaction ID. |
data[].fidata[].transactions.transaction[].transactionTimestamp | String | Timestamp of the transaction. |
data[].fidata[].transactions.transaction[].accountType | String | Type of account involved in the transaction. |
data[].fidata[].transactions.transaction[].currentBalance | String | Balance after the transaction. |
data[].fidata[].transactions.transaction[].amount | Number | Amount of the transaction. |
data[].fidata[].transactions.transaction[].valueDate | String | Value date of the transaction. |
data[].fidata[].transactions.transaction[].narration | String | Description or narration of the transaction. |
data[].fidata[].transactions.transaction[].mode | String | Mode of the transaction (e.g., UPI). |
data[].fidata[].transactions.transaction[].type | String | Type of transaction (e.g., DEBIT). |
data[].fidata[].transactions.startDate | String (Date) | Start date of the transactions period. |
data[].fidata[].transactions.endDate | String (Date) | End date of the transactions period. |
data[].fidata[].type | String | Type of financial information (e.g., deposit). |
data[].fidata[].maskedAccNumber | String | Masked account number for privacy. |
data[].fidata[].version | String | Version of the data format. |
data[].fidata[].linkedAccRef | String | Reference to the linked account. |
data[].fipId | String | Financial Information Provider ID. |
data[].fipName | String | Name of the Financial Information Provider. |
data[].custId | String | Customer ID associated with the financial information. |
data[].fiAccountInfo | Array of Objects | List of financial account information. |
data[].fiAccountInfo[].accountRefNo | String | Reference number for the account. |
data[].fiAccountInfo[].linkRefNo | String | Link reference number for the account. |
Error Code | Description |
400 | Bad Request: In case the request is not as per required schema or any other case |
401 | Unauthorized: Authentication failed or user does not have permissions for requested operation. |
409 | Upstream Error/Conflict: Something wrong on AA's side. |
500 | Internal Server Error: An error occurred on the server. |
Getting help
Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions, require clarification, or have ideas for how to make the documents or any of our services better.
You can reach out to us at [email protected].